Chan Lan Chun
  • BioTechnology Institute, University of Minnesota, USA
Research fields
  • Microbiology
Personal information


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2006

Current position

Research Assistant Professor, BioTechnology Institute, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, USA (2014-presnt)


  1. Lan Chun, C., Kahn, C. I., Borchert, A. J., Byappanahalli, M. N., Whitman, R. L., Peller, J., Pier, C., Lin, G., Johnson, E. A. and Sadowsky, M. J. (2015). Prevalence of toxin-producing Clostridium botulinum associated with the macroalga Cladophora in three Great Lakes: growth and management. Sci Total Environ 511: 523-529.
  2. Peller, J., Byappanahalli, M. N., Sadowsky, M., Shively, D., Chun, C. L. and Whitman, R. L. (2014). Notable decomposition products of senescing Lake Michigan Cladophora glomerata. J Great Lakes Res 40: 800-806.
  3. Chun, C. L., Ochsner, U., Byappanahalli, M. N., Whitman, R. L., Tepp, W. H., Lin, G., Johnson, E. A., Peller, J. and Sadowsky, M. J. (2013). Association of toxin-producing Clostridium botulinum with the macroalga Cladophora in the Great Lakes. Environ Sci Technol 47(6): 2587-2594.
  4. Chun, C. L., Payne, R. B., Sowers, K. R. and May, H. D. (2013). Electrical stimulation of microbial PCB degradation in sediment. Water Res 47(1): 141-152.
  5. Chun, C. L., Baer, D. R., Matson, D. W., Amonette, J. E. and Penn, R. L. (2010). Characterization and reactivity of iron nanoparticles prepared with added Cu, Pd, and Ni. Environ Sci Technol 44(13): 5079-5085.
  6. Sarathy, V., Tratnyek, P. G.,Nurmi, J. T., Baer, D. R., Amonette, J. E., Chun, C. L., Penn, R. L. and Reardon, E. J. (2008). Aging of iron nanoparticle in aqueous solution: Effects on structure and reactivity. J Phys Chem C 112(7): 2286-2293.
  7. Hozalski, R. M., Arnold, W. A., Chun, C. L., Lapara, T. M., Lee, J., Pearson, C. M. and Zhang, P. (2008). Degradation of halogenated disinfection by-products in water distribution systems. In: Tanju, K., Stuart, W. K., Paul, W. and Yuefeng, X. (eds). Book chapter in Disinfection by-products in drinking water: Occurrence, formation, health effect and control. Oxford University Press.
  8. Jentzsch, T. L., Chun, C, L., Carbor, R. and Penn, R. L. (2007). Influence of aluminum substitution on the reactivity of magnetite nanoparticles. J Phys Chem C 111(28): 10247-10253.
  9. Chun, C. L., Hozalski, R. M. and Arnold, W. A. (2007). Degradation of disinfection byproducts by carbonate green rust. Environ Sci Technol 41(5): 1615-1621.
  10. Chun, C. L., Penn, R. L. and Arnold, W. A. (2006). Kinetic and microscopic studies of reductive transformations of organic contaminants on goethite. Environ Sci Technol 40(10): 3299-3304.
  11. Chun, C. L., Hozalski, R. M. and Arnold, W. A. (2005). Degradation of drinking water disinfection byproducts by synthetic goethite and magnetite. Environ Sci Technol 39(21): 8525-8532.
  12. Lee, S., Chun, C. L. and Shim, J. (2003). Preliminary study on arsenic speciation changes induced by biodegradationof organic pollutants in the soil contaminated with mixed wastes. Economic and Environmental Geology 36(5): 349-356.
  13. Chun, C. L., Lee, J. J. and Park, J. W. (2002). Solubilization of PAH mixtures by three different anionic surfactants. Environ Pollut 118(3): 307-313.
  14. Chun, C. L. and Park, J. W. (2001). Oil spill remediation using the magnetic separation. J Environmental Engineering 127(5): 443-449.
  15. Chun, C. L. and Park, J. W. (2000). Innovative technology for removal of dispersants used in oil spill remediation using the magnetic separation. Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineering 4(22): 678-688.
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