Ph.D. in Biology (Neurosciences), Instituto Cajal (CSIC), Madrid (Spain) and Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain), 1989
Current position
Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Publications (since 2005)
Perez-Villalba, A., Palop, M. J., Pérez-Sánchez, F. and Fariñas, I. (2015). Assessment of olfactory behavior in mice: odorant detection and habituation-dishabituation tests. Bio-protocol 5(13): e1518.
Soriano-Canton, R., Perez-Villalba, A., Morante-Redolat, J. M., Marques-Torrejon, M. A., Pallas, M., Perez-Sanchez, F. and Farinas, I. (2015). Regulation of the p19(Arf)/p53 pathway by histone acetylation underlies neural stem cell behavior in senescence-prone SAMP8 mice. Aging Cell 14(3): 453-462.
Andreu, Z., Khan, M. A., Gonzalez-Gomez, P., Negueruela, S., Hortiguela, R., San Emeterio, J., Ferron, S. R., Martinez, G., Vidal, A., Farinas, I., Lie, D. C. and Mira, H. (2015). The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 kip1 regulates radial stem cell quiescence and neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. Stem Cells 33(1): 219-229.
Delgado, A. C., Ferron, S. R., Vicente, D., Porlan, E., Perez-Villalba, A., Trujillo, C. M., D'Ocon, P. and Farinas, I. (2014). Endothelial NT-3 delivered by vasculature and CSF promotes quiescence of subependymal neural stem cells through nitric oxide induction. Neuron 83(3): 572-585.
Porlan, E., Marti-Prado, B., Morante-Redolat, J. M., Consiglio, A., Delgado, A. C., Kypta, R., Lopez-Otin, C., Kirstein, M. and Farinas, I. (2014). MT5-MMP regulates adult neural stem cell functional quiescence through the cleavage of N-cadherin. Nat Cell Biol 16(7): 629-638.
Porlan, E., Morante-Redolat, J. M., Marques-Torrejon, M. A., Andreu-Agullo, C., Carneiro, C., Gomez-Ibarlucea, E., Soto, A., Vidal, A., Ferron, S. R. and Farinas, I. (2013). Transcriptional repression of Bmp2 by p21(Waf1/Cip1) links quiescence to neural stem cell maintenance. Nat Neurosci 16(11): 1567-1575.
Recasens, A., Dehay, B., Bové, J., Carballo‐Carbajal, I., Dovero, S., Pérez‐Villalba, A., Fernagut, P. O., Blesa, J., Parent, A. and Perier, C. (2014). Lewy body extracts from Parkinson disease brains trigger α‐synuclein pathology and neurodegeneration in mice and monkeys. Annals of neurology 75(3): 351-362.
Eguren, M., Porlan, E., Manchado, E., Garcia-Higuera, I., Canamero, M., Farinas, I. and Malumbres, M. (2013). The APC/C cofactor Cdh1 prevents replicative stress and p53-dependent cell death in neural progenitors. Nat Commun 4: 2880.
Marques-Torrejon, M. A., Porlan, E., Banito, A., Gomez-Ibarlucea, E., Lopez-Contreras, A. J., Fernandez-Capetillo, O., Vidal, A., Gil, J., Torres, J. and Farinas, I. (2013). Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 controls adult neural stem cell expansion by regulating Sox2 gene expression. Cell Stem Cell 12(1): 88-100.
Moreno-Estelles, M., Gonzalez-Gomez, P., Hortiguela, R., Diaz-Moreno, M., San Emeterio, J., Carvalho, A. L., Farinas, I. and Mira, H. (2012). Symmetric expansion of neural stem cells from the adult olfactory bulb is driven by astrocytes via WNT7A. Stem Cells 30(12): 2796-2809.
Chirivella, L., Cano-Jaimez, M., Perez-Sanchez, F., Herraez, L., Carretero, J., Farinas, I., Burks, D. J. and Kirstein, M. (2012). IRS2 signalling is required for the development of a subset of sensory spinal neurons. Eur J Neurosci 35(3): 341-352.
Ferron, S. R., Charalambous, M., Radford, E., McEwen, K., Wildner, H., Hind, E., Morante-Redolat, J. M., Laborda, J., Guillemot, F., Bauer, S. R., Farinas, I. and Ferguson-Smith, A. C. (2011). Postnatal loss of Dlk1 imprinting in stem cells and niche astrocytes regulates neurogenesis. Nature 475(7356): 381-385.
Ferron, S. R., Pozo, N., Laguna, A., Aranda, S., Porlan, E., Moreno, M., Fillat, C., de la Luna, S., Sanchez, P., Arbones, M. L. and Farinas, I. (2010). Regulated segregation of kinase Dyrk1A during asymmetric neural stem cell division is critical for EGFR-mediated biased signaling. Cell Stem Cell 7(3): 367-379.
Mira, H., Andreu, Z., Suh, H., Lie, D. C., Jessberger, S., Consiglio, A., San Emeterio, J., Hortiguela, R., Marques-Torrejon, M. A., Nakashima, K., Colak, D., Gotz, M., Farinas, I. and Gage, F. H. (2010). Signaling through BMPR-IA regulates quiescence and long-term activity of neural stem cells in the adult hippocampus. Cell Stem Cell 7(1): 78-89.
Marrachelli, V. G., Miranda, F. J., Alabadi, J. A., Milan, M., Cano-Jaimez, M., Kirstein, M., Alborch, E., Farinas, I. and Perez-Sanchez, F. (2010). Perivascular nerve fiber alpha-synuclein regulates contractility of mouse aorta: a link to autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. Neurochem Int 56(8): 991-998.
Perez-Sanchez, F., Milan, M., Buendia, P., Cano-Jaimez, M., Ambrosio, S., Rosenthal, A. and Farinas, I. (2010). Prosurvival effect of human wild-type alpha-synuclein on MPTP-induced toxicity to central but not peripheral catecholaminergic neurons isolated from transgenic mice. Neuroscience 167(2): 261-276.
Cano-Jaimez, M., Perez-Sanchez, F., Milan, M., Buendia, P., Ambrosio, S. and Farinas, I. (2010). Vulnerability of peripheral catecholaminergic neurons to MPTP is not regulated by alpha-synuclein. Neurobiol Dis 38(1): 92-103.
Valdes-Sanchez, T., Kirstein, M., Perez-Villalba, A., Vega, J. A. and Farinas, I. (2010). BDNF is essentially required for the early postnatal survival of nociceptors. Dev Biol 339(2): 465-476.
Wu, H. H., Bellmunt, E., Scheib, J. L., Venegas, V., Burkert, C., Reichardt, L. F., Zhou, Z., Farinas, I. and Carter, B. D. (2009). Glial precursors clear sensory neuron corpses during development via Jedi-1, an engulfment receptor. Nat Neurosci 12(12): 1534-1541.
Andreu-Agullo, C., Morante-Redolat, J. M., Delgado, A. C. and Farinas, I. (2009). Vascular niche factor PEDF modulates Notch-dependent stemness in the adult subependymal zone. Nat Neurosci 12(12): 1514-1523.
Ferron, S. R., Marques-Torrejon, M. A., Mira, H., Flores, I., Taylor, K., Blasco, M. A. and Farinas, I. (2009). Telomere shortening in neural stem cells disrupts neuronal differentiation and neuritogenesis. J Neurosci 29(46): 14394-14407.
Folgueras, A. R., Valdes-Sanchez, T., Llano, E., Menendez, L., Baamonde, A., Denlinger, B. L., Belmonte, C., Juarez, L., Lastra, A., Garcia-Suarez, O., Astudillo, A., Kirstein, M., Pendas, A. M., Farinas, I. and Lopez-Otin, C. (2009). Metalloproteinase MT5-MMP is an essential modulator of neuro-immune interactions in thermal pain stimulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106(38): 16451-16456.
Alcamo, E. A., Chirivella, L., Dautzenberg, M., Dobreva, G., Farinas, I., Grosschedl, R. and McConnell, S. K. (2008). Satb2 regulates callosal projection neuron identity in the developing cerebral cortex. Neuron 57(3): 364-377.
Ferron, S. R., Andreu-Agullo, C., Mira, H., Sanchez, P., Marques-Torrejon, M. A. and Farinas, I. (2007). A combined ex/in vivo assay to detect effects of exogenously added factors in neural stem cells. Nat Protoc 2(4): 849-859.
Dobreva, G., Chahrour, M., Dautzenberg, M., Chirivella, L., Kanzler, B., Farinas, I., Karsenty, G. and Grosschedl, R. (2006). SATB2 is a multifunctional determinant of craniofacial patterning and osteoblast differentiation. Cell 125(5): 971-986.
Ramirez-Castillejo, C., Sanchez-Sanchez, F., Andreu-Agullo, C., Ferron, S. R., Aroca-Aguilar, J. D., Sanchez, P., Mira, H., Escribano, J. and Farinas, I. (2006). Pigment epithelium-derived factor is a niche signal for neural stem cell renewal. Nat Neurosci 9(3): 331-339.