Ph.D. in Immuno-genetics, INSERM U563 “centre de physiopathologie de Toulouse-Purpan”, Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse III), 2005
Current position
Assistant Professor in Immuno-genetics, LAPM/UMR5163, Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
Cavailles, P., Flori, P., Papapietro, O., Bisanz, C., Lagrange, D., Pilloux, L., Massera, C., Cristinelli, S., Jublot, D., Bastien, O., Loeuillet, C., Aldebert, D., Touquet, B., Fournie, G. J. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2014). A highly conserved Toxo1 haplotype directs resistance to toxoplasmosis and its associated caspase-1 dependent killing of parasite and host macrophage. PLoS Pathog 10(4): e1004005.
Witola, W. H., Liu, S. R., Montpetit, A., Welti, R., Hypolite, M., Roth, M., Zhou, Y., Mui, E., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Fournie, G. J., Cavailles, P., Bisanz, C., Boyer, K., Withers, S., Noble, A. G., Swisher, C. N., Heydemann, P. T., Rabiah, P., Muench, S. P. and McLeod, R. (2014). ALOX12 in human toxoplasmosis. Infect Immun 82(7): 2670-2679.
Aldebert, D., Hypolite, M., Cavailles, P., Touquet, B., Flori, P., Loeuillet, C. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2011). Development of high-throughput methods to quantify cysts of Toxoplasma gondii. Cytometry A 79(11): 952-958.
Witola, W., Mui, E., Hargrave, A., Liu, S., Hypolite, M., Montpetit, A., Cavaillès, P., Bisanz, C., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Fournié, G. F. and McLeod, R. (2011).NALP1 influences susceptibility to human congenital toxoplasmosis, pro-inflammatory cytokine response and fate of T. gondii-infected monocytic cells. Infect Immun 79(2):756-766.
Bénard, A., Cavaillès, P., Boué, J., Chapey, E., Bayry, J., Blanpied, C., Meyer, N., Lamant, L., Kaveri, S. V., Brousset, P. and Dietrich, G. (2010).mu-Opioid receptor is induced by IL-13 within lymph nodes from patients with Sézary syndrome. J. Invest. Dermatol. 130(5): 1337-1344.
Cavailles, P., Bisanz, C., Papapietro, O., Colacios, C., Sergent, V., Pipy, B., Saoudi, A., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. and Fournie, G. J. (2006). The rat Toxo1 locus controls the outcome of the toxoplasmic infection according to a mendelian mode. Med Sci (Paris) 22(8-9): 679-680.
Cavailles, P., Sergent, V., Bisanz, C., Papapietro, O., Colacios, C., Mas, M., Subra, J. F., Lagrange, D., Calise, M., Appolinaire, S., Faraut, T., Druet, P., Saoudi, A., Bessieres, M. H., Pipy, B., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. and Fournie, G. J. (2006). The rat Toxo1 locus directs toxoplasmosis outcome and controls parasite proliferation and spreading by macrophage-dependent mechanisms. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(3): 744-749.
Mas, M., Cavailles, P., Colacios, C., Subra, J. F., Lagrange, D., Calise, M., Christen, M. O., Druet, P., Pelletier, L., Gauguier, D. and Fournie, G. J. (2004). Studies of congenic lines in the Brown Norway rat model of Th2-mediated immunopathological disorders show that the aurothiopropanol sulfonate-induced immunological disorder (Aiid3) locus on chromosome 9 plays a major role compared to Aiid2 on chromosome 10. J Immunol 172(10): 6354-6361.
Xystrakis, E., Cavailles, P., Dejean, A. S., Cautain, B., Colacios, C., Lagrange, D., van de Gaar, M. J., Bernard, I., Gonzalez-Dunia, D., Damoiseaux, J., Fournie, G. J. and Saoudi, A. (2004). Functional and genetic analysis of two CD8 T cell subsets defined by the level of CD45RC expression in the rat. J Immunol 173(5): 3140-3147.
Jaume, M., Jacquet, S., Cavailles, P., Mace, G., Stephan, L., Blanpied, C., Demur, C., Brousset, P. and Dietrich, G. (2004). Opioid receptor blockade reduces Fas-induced hepatitis in mice. Hepatology 40(5): 1136-1143.