Medical thesis (Dr. med.) at the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Ulm, University of Ulm Medical School, 1989
Current position
Professor of Reconstructive Neurobiology, University of Bonn Medical Center
Scientific Director, LIFE & BRAIN GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Publications (since 2010)
Stappert, L., Roese-Koerner, B. and Brustle, O. (2015). The role of microRNAs in human neural stem cells, neuronal differentiation and subtype specification. Cell Tissue Res 359(1): 47-64.
Karus, M., Blaess, S. and Brustle, O. (2014). Self-organization of neural tissue architectures from pluripotent stem cells. J Comp Neurol 522(12): 2831-2844.
Tatarishvili, J., Oki, K., Monni, E., Koch, P., Memanishvili, T., Buga, A. M., Verma, V., Popa-Wagner, A., Brustle, O., Lindvall, O. and Kokaia, Z. (2014). Human induced pluripotent stem cells improve recovery in stroke-injured aged rats. Restor Neurol Neurosci 32(4): 547-558.
Avaliani, N., Sorensen, A. T., Ledri, M., Bengzon, J., Koch, P., Brustle, O., Deisseroth, K., Andersson, M. and Kokaia, M. (2014). Optogenetics reveal delayed afferent synaptogenesis on grafted human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitors. Stem Cells 32(12): 3088-3098.
Kadari, A., Mekala, S., Wagner, N., Malan, D., Koth, J., Doll, K., Stappert, L., Eckert, D., Peitz, M., Matthes, J., Sasse, P., Herzig, S., Brustle, O., Ergun, S. and Edenhofer, F. (2014). Robust generation of cardiomyocytes from human iPS cells requires precise modulation of BMP and WNT signaling. Stem Cell Rev. (Epub ahead of print)
Qin, J., Sontag, S., Lin, Q., Mitzka, S., Leisten, I., Schneider, R. K., Wang, X., Jauch, A., Peitz, M., Brustle, O., Wagner, W., Zhao, R. C. and Zenke, M. (2014). Cell fusion enhances mesendodermal differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells Dev 23(23): 2875-2882.
Kubaczka, C., Senner, C., Arauzo-Bravo, M. J., Sharma, N., Kuckenberg, P., Becker, A., Zimmer, A., Brustle, O., Peitz, M., Hemberger, M. and Schorle, H. (2014). Derivation and maintenance of murine trophoblast stem cells under defined conditions. Stem Cell Reports 2(2): 232-242.
Ladewig, J., Koch, P. and Brustle, O. (2014). Auto-attraction of neural precursors and their neuronal progeny impairs neuronal migration. Nat Neurosci 17(1): 24-26.
Rodrigues, G. M., Matos, A. F., Fernandes, T. G., Rodrigues, C. A., Peitz, M., Haupt, S., Diogo, M. M., Brustle, O. and Cabral, J. M. (2014). Integrated platform for production and purification of human pluripotent stem cell-derived neural precursors. Stem Cell Rev 10(2): 151-161.
Mertens, J., Stuber, K., Wunderlich, P., Ladewig, J., Kesavan, J. C., Vandenberghe, R., Vandenbulcke, M., van Damme, P., Walter, J., Brustle, O.* and Koch, P.* (2013). APP processing in human pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons is resistant to NSAID-based gamma-secretase modulation. Stem Cell Reports 1(6): 491-498.
Brustle, O. (2013). Developmental neuroscience: Miniature human brains. Nature 501(7467): 319-320.
Glas, M., Coch, C., Trageser, D., Dassler, J., Simon, M., Koch, P., Mertens, J., Quandel, T., Gorris, R., Reinartz, R., Wieland, A., Von Lehe, M., Pusch, A., Roy, K., Schlee, M., Neumann, H., Fimmers, R., Herrlinger, U., Brustle, O., Hartmann, G., Besch, R. and Scheffler, B. (2013). Targeting the cytosolic innate immune receptors RIG-I and MDA5 effectively counteracts cancer cell heterogeneity in glioblastoma. Stem Cells 31(6): 1064-1074.
Tornero, D., Wattananit, S., Gronning Madsen, M., Koch, P., Wood, J., Tatarishvili, J., Mine, Y., Ge, R., Monni, E., Devaraju, K., Hevner, R. F., Brustle, O., Lindvall, O. and Kokaia, Z. (2013). Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neurons integrate in stroke-injured cortex and improve functional recovery. Brain 136(Pt 12): 3561-3577.
Stappert, L., Borghese, L., Roese-Koerner, B., Weinhold, S., Koch, P., Terstegge, S., Uhrberg, M., Wernet, P. and Brustle, O. (2013). MicroRNA-based promotion of human neuronal differentiation and subtype specification. PLoS One 8(3): e59011.
Wieland, A., Trageser, D., Gogolok, S., Reinartz, R., Hofer, H., Keller, M., Leinhaas, A., Schelle, R., Normann, S., Klaas, L., Waha, A., Koch, P., Fimmers, R., Pietsch, T., Yachnis, A. T., Pincus, D. W., Steindler, D. A., Brustle, O., Simon, M., Glas, M. and Scheffler, B. (2013). Anticancer effects of niclosamide in human glioblastoma. Clin Cancer Res 19(15): 4124-4136.
Mertens, J., Koch, P. and Brüstle, O. (2013) Human pluripotent and multipotent stem cells as tools for modeling neurodegeneration. In: Gage, F. H. and Christen, Y. (eds). Programmed Cells from Basic Neuroscience to Therapy. Springer, pp 57-66.
Peitz, M., Jungverdorben, J. and Brustle, O. (2013). Disease-specific iPS cell models in neuroscience. Curr Mol Med 13(5): 832-841. (Review article)
Roese-Koerner, B., Stappert, L., Koch, P., Brustle, O.* and Borghese, L.* (2013). Pluripotent stem cell-derived somatic stem cells as tool to study the role of microRNAs in early human neural development. Curr Mol Med 13(5): 707-722.
Mertens, J., Stüber, K., Poppe, D., Doerr, J., Ladewig, J., Brüstle, O.* and Koch, P.* (2013). Embryonic Stem Cell–Based Modeling of Tau Pathology in Human Neurons. Am J Pathol 182(5): 1769-1779.
Bianco, P., Barker, R., Brustle, O., Cattaneo, E., Clevers, H., Daley, G. Q., De Luca, M., Goldstein, L., Lindvall, O., Mummery, C., Robey, P. G., Sattler de Sousa, E. B. C. and Smith, A. (2013). Regulation of stem cell therapies under attack in Europe: for whom the bell tolls. EMBO J 32(11): 1489-1495. (Commentary)
Ladewig, J., Koch, P. and Brustle, O. (2013). Leveling Waddington: the emergence of direct programming and the loss of cell fate hierarchies. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 14(4): 225-236. (Review article)
McLaren, D., Gorba, T., Marguerie de Rotrou, A., Pillai, G., Chappell, C., Stacey, A., Lingard, S., Falk, A., Smith, A., Koch, P., Brustle, O., Vickers, R., Tinsley, J., Flanders, D., Bello, P. and Craig, S. (2013). Automated large-scale culture and medium-throughput chemical screen for modulators of proliferation and viability of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuroepithelial-like stem cells. J Biomol Screen 18(3): 258-268.
Garbes, L., Heesen, L., Holker, I., Bauer, T., Schreml, J., Zimmermann, K., Thoenes, M., Walter, M., Dimos, J., Peitz, M., Brustle, O., Heller, R. and Wirth, B. (2013). VPA response in SMA is suppressed by the fatty acid translocase CD36. Hum Mol Genet 22(2): 398-407.
Ladewig, J., Mertens, J., Kesavan, J., Doerr, J., Poppe, D., Glaue, F., Herms, S., Wernet, P., Kogler, G., Muller, F. J., Koch, P.# and Brustle, O.# (2012). Small molecules enable highly efficient neuronal conversion of human fibroblasts. Nat Methods 9(6): 575-578.
Ahmad, R., Wolber, W., Eckardt, S., Koch, P., Schmitt, J., Semechkin, R., Geis, C., Heckmann, M., Brustle, O., McLaughlin, J. K., Siren, A. L. and Muller, A. M. (2012). Functional neuronal cells generated by human parthenogenetic stem cells. PLoS One 7(8): e42800.
Koch, P.*, Tamboli, I. Y.*, Mertens, J.*, Wunderlich, P., Ladewig, J., Stuber, K., Esselmann, H., Wiltfang, J., Brustle, O. and Walter, J. (2012). Presenilin-1 L166P mutant human pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons exhibit partial loss of gamma-secretase activity in endogenous amyloid-beta generation. Am J Pathol 180(6): 2404-2416.
Thier, M., Worsdorfer, P., Lakes, Y. B., Gorris, R., Herms, S., Opitz, T., Seiferling, D., Quandel, T., Hoffmann, P., Nothen, M. M., Brustle, O. and Edenhofer, F. (2012). Direct conversion of fibroblasts into stably expandable neural stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 10(4): 473-479.
Steinbeck, J. A., Koch, P., Derouiche, A. and Brustle, O. (2012). Human embryonic stem cell-derived neurons establish region-specific, long-range projections in the adult brain. Cell Mol Life Sci 69(3): 461-470.
Haupt, S., Borghese, L., Brustle, O. and Edenhofer, F. (2012). Non-genetic modulation of Notch activity by artificial delivery of Notch intracellular domain into neural stem cells. Stem Cell Rev 8(3): 672-684.
Oki, K., Tatarishvili, J., Wood, J., Koch, P., Wattananit, S., Mine, Y., Monni, E., Tornero, D., Ahlenius, H., Ladewig, J., Brustle, O., Lindvall, O. and Kokaia, Z. (2012). Human-induced pluripotent stem cells form functional neurons and improve recovery after grafting in stroke-damaged brain. Stem Cells 30(6): 1120-1133.
Hucke, S., Flossdorf, J., Grutzke, B., Dunay, I. R., Frenzel, K., Jungverdorben, J., Linnartz, B., Mack, M., Peitz, M., Brustle, O., Kurts, C., Klockgether, T., Neumann, H., Prinz, M., Wiendl, H., Knolle, P. and Klotz, L. (2012). Licensing of myeloid cells promotes central nervous system autoimmunity and is controlled by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma. Brain 135(Pt 5): 1586-1605.
Falk, A.*, Koch, P.*, Kesavan, J., Takashima, Y., Ladewig, J., Alexander, M., Wiskow, O., Tailor, J., Trotter, M., Pollard, S., Smith, A. and Brustle, O. (2012). Capture of neuroepithelial-like stem cells from pluripotent stem cells provides a versatile system for in vitro production of human neurons. PLoS One 7(1): e29597.
Lindvall, O., Barker, R. A., Brustle, O., Isacson, O. and Svendsen, C. N. (2012). Clinical translation of stem cells in neurodegenerative disorders. Cell Stem Cell 10(2): 151-155. [Review]
Brüstle, O. (2012) Neurale Stammzellen als Werkzeug zur Erforschung und Therapie neurologischer Erkrankungen. Leopoldina-Jahrbuch 2011:7-12.
Nettersheim, D., Westernstroer, B., Haas, N., Leinhaas, A., Brustle, O., Schlatt, S. and Schorle, H. (2012). Establishment of a versatile seminoma model indicates cellular plasticity of germ cell tumor cells. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 51(7): 717-726.
Koch, P., Müller, F. J. and Brüstle, O. (2012) Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into neural precursors. In: Loring, J. F and Peterson, S. E. (eds). Human stem cell manual - A laboratory guide. Elsevier Press, pp 375-384.
Haupt, S., Grutzner, J., Thier, M. C., Kallweit, T., Rath, B. H., Laufenberg, I., Forgber, M., Eberhardt, J., Edenhofer, F. and Brustle, O. (2012). Automated selection and harvesting of pluripotent stem cell colonies. Biotechnol Appl Biochem 59(2): 77-87.
Koch, P.*, Breuer, P.*, Peitz, M.*, Jungverdorben, J.*, Kesavan, J., Poppe, D., Doerr, J., Ladewig, J., Mertens, J., Tuting, T., Hoffmann, P., Klockgether, T., Evert, B. O., Wullner, U. and Brustle, O. (2011). Excitation-induced ataxin-3 aggregation in neurons from patients with Machado-Joseph disease. Nature 480(7378): 543-546.
Kuckenberg, P., Peitz, M., Kubaczka, C., Becker, A., Egert, A., Wardelmann, E., Zimmer, A., Brustle, O. and Schorle, H. (2011). Lineage conversion of murine extraembryonic trophoblast stem cells to pluripotent stem cells. Mol Cell Biol 31(8): 1748-1756.
Hussein, S. M., Batada, N. N., Vuoristo, S., Ching, R. W., Autio, R., Narva, E., Ng, S., Sourour, M., Hamalainen, R., Olsson, C., Lundin, K., Mikkola, M., Trokovic, R., Peitz, M., Brustle, O., Bazett-Jones, D. P., Alitalo, K., Lahesmaa, R., Nagy, A. and Otonkoski, T. (2011). Copy number variation and selection during reprogramming to pluripotency. Nature 471(7336): 58-62.
Higashi, H., Brustle, O., Daley, G. Q. and Yamanaka, S. (2011). The nomenclature system should be sustainable, but also practical. Cell Stem Cell 8(6): 606-607. (Letter)
Milde, T., Kleber, S., Korshunov, A., Witt, H., Hielscher, T., Koch, P., Kopp, H. G., Jugold, M., Deubzer, H. E., Oehme, I., Lodrini, M., Grone, H. J., Benner, A., Brustle, O., Gilbertson, R. J., von Deimling, A., Kulozik, A. E., Pfister, S. M., Martin-Villalba, A. and Witt, O. (2011). A novel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals the differentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitor Vorinostat. Acta Neuropathol 122(5): 637-650.
Steinbeck, J. A., Henke, N., Opatz, J., Gruszczynska-Biegala, J., Schneider, L., Theiss, S., Hamacher, N., Steinfarz, B., Golz, S., Brustle, O., Kuznicki, J. and Methner, A. (2011). Store-operated calcium entry modulates neuronal network activity in a model of chronic epilepsy. Exp Neurol 232(2): 185-194.
Ming, G. L., Brustle, O., Muotri, A., Studer, L., Wernig, M. and Christian, K. M. (2011). Cellular reprogramming: recent advances in modeling neurological diseases. J Neurosci 31(45): 16070-16075.
Siemen, H., Colas, D., Heller, H. C., Brustle, O. and Pera, R. A. (2011). Pumilio-2 function in the mouse nervous system. PLoS One 6(10): e25932.
Iliou, M. S., Lujambio, A., Portela, A., Brustle, O., Koch, P., Andersson-Vincent, P. H., Sundstrom, E., Hovatta, O. and Esteller, M. (2011). Bivalent histone modifications in stem cells poise miRNA loci for CpG island hypermethylation in human cancer. Epigenetics 6(11): 1344-1353.
Stock, K., Nolden, L., Edenhofer, F., Quandel, T. and Brustle, O. (2010). Transcription factor-based modulation of neural stem cell differentiation using direct protein transduction. Cell Mol Life Sci 67(14): 2439-2449.
Borghese, L., Dolezalova, D., Opitz, T., Haupt, S., Leinhaas, A., Steinfarz, B., Koch, P., Edenhofer, F., Hampl, A. and Brustle, O. (2010). Inhibition of notch signaling in human embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells delays G1/S phase transition and accelerates neuronal differentiation in vitro and in vivo. Stem Cells 28(5): 955-964.
Pusch, A., Boeckenhoff, A., Glaser, T., Kaminski, T., Kirfel, G., Hans, M., Steinfarz, B., Swandulla, D., Kubitscheck, U., Gieselmann, V., Brustle, O. and Kappler, J. (2010). CD44 and hyaluronan promote invasive growth of B35 neuroblastoma cells into the brain. Biochim Biophys Acta 1803(2): 261-274.
Terstegge, S., Winter, F., Rath, B. H., Laufenberg, I., Schwarz, C., Leinhaas, A., Levold, F., Dolf, A., Haupt, S., Koch, P., Endl, E. and Brustle, O. (2010). Laser-assisted photoablation of human pluripotent stem cells from differentiating cultures. Stem Cell Rev 6(2): 260-269.
Narva, E., Autio, R., Rahkonen, N., Kong, L., Harrison, N., Kitsberg, D., Borghese, L., Itskovitz-Eldor, J., Rasool, O., Dvorak, P., Hovatta, O., Otonkoski, T., Tuuri, T., Cui, W., Brustle, O., Baker, D., Maltby, E., Moore, H. D., Benvenisty, N., Andrews, P. W., Yli-Harja, O. and Lahesmaa, R. (2010). High-resolution DNA analysis of human embryonic stem cell lines reveals culture-induced copy number changes and loss of heterozygosity. Nat Biotechnol 28(4): 371-377.
Patsch, C., Peitz, M., Otte, D. M., Kesseler, D., Jungverdorben, J., Wunderlich, F. T., Brustle, O., Zimmer, A. and Edenhofer, F. (2010). Engineering cell-permeant FLP recombinase for tightly controlled inducible and reversible overexpression in embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 28(5): 894-902.
Glas, M., Rath, B. H., Simon, M., Reinartz, R., Schramme, A., Trageser, D., Eisenreich, R., Leinhaas, A., Keller, M., Schildhaus, H. U., Garbe, S., Steinfarz, B., Pietsch, T., Steindler, D. A., Schramm, J., Herrlinger, U., Brustle, O. and Scheffler, B. (2010). Residual tumor cells are unique cellular targets in glioblastoma. Ann Neurol 68(2): 264-269.