Ph.D. in Plant Biology, University Paris 6, Paris, 1985
Current position
Research Fellow, National Scientific Research Center (CNRS), IJPB, Versailles, France
Publications (since 2005)
Simons, M., Saha, R., Amiour, N., Kumar, A., Guillard, L., Clement, G., Miquel, M., Li, Z., Mouille, G., Lea, P. J., Hirel, B. and Maranas, C. D. (2014). Assessing the metabolic impact of nitrogen availability using a compartmentalized maize leaf genome-scale model. Plant Physiol 166(3): 1659-1674.
Miquel, M., Trigui, G., d'Andrea, S., Kelemen, Z., Baud, S., Berger, A., Deruyffelaere, C., Trubuil, A., Lepiniec, L. and Dubreucq, B. (2014). Specialization of oleosins in oil body dynamics during seed development in Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Physiol 164(4): 1866-1878.
Dugail, I., Kalopissis, A., Miquel, M., Rainteau, D., Zachowski, A. and Forest, C. (2014). Lipids in metabolic diseases. Biochimie 96: 1-2.
Jasinski, S., Lecureuil, A., Miquel, M., Loudet, O., Raffaele, S., Froissard, M. and Guerche, P. (2012). Natural variation in seed very long chain fatty acid content is controlled by a new isoform of KCS18 in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 7(11): e49261.
Guillon, F., Larre, C., Petipas, F., Berger, A., Moussawi, J., Rogniaux, H., Santoni, A., Saulnier, L., Jamme, F., Miquel, M., Lepiniec, L. and Dubreucq, B. (2012). A comprehensive overview of grain development in Brachypodium distachyon variety Bd21. J Exp Bot 63(2): 739-755.
Baud, S., Feria Bourrellier, A. B., Azzopardi, M., Berger, A., Dechorgnat, J., Daniel-Vedele, F., Lepiniec, L., Miquel, M., Rochat, C., Hodges, M. and Ferrario-Mery, S. (2010). PII is induced by WRINKLED1 and fine-tunes fatty acid composition in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J 64(2): 291-303.
North, H., Baud, S., Debeaujon, I., Dubos, C., Dubreucq, B., Grappin, P., Jullien, M., Lepiniec, L., Marion-Poll, A., Miquel, M., Rajjou, L., Routaboul, J. M. and Caboche, M. (2010). Arabidopsis seed secrets unravelled after a decade of genetic and omics-driven research. Plant J 61(6): 971-981.
Roudier, F., Gissot, L., Beaudoin, F., Haslam, R., Michaelson, L., Marion, J., Molino, D., Lima, A., Bach, L., Morin, H., Tellier, F., Palauqui, J. C., Bellec, Y., Renne, C., Miquel, M., Dacosta, M., Vignard, J., Rochat, C., Markham, J. E., Moreau, P., Napier, J. and Faure, J. D. (2010). Very-long-chain fatty acids are involved in polar auxin transport and developmental patterning in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 22(2): 364-375.
Lu, C., Xin, Z., Ren, Z. and Miquel, M. (2009). An enzyme regulating triacylglycerol composition is encoded by the ROD1 gene of Arabidopsis. P Natl Acad Sci 106(44): 18837-18842..
Baud, S., Dichow, N. R., Kelemen, Z., d'Andrea, S., To, A., Berger, N., Canonge, M., Kronenberger, J., Viterbo, D., Dubreucq, B., Lepiniec, L., Chardot, T. and Miquel, M. (2009). Regulation of HSD1 in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol 50(8): 1463-1478.
Bach, L., Michaelson, L. V., Haslam, R., Bellec, Y., Gissot, L., Marion, J., Da Costa, M., Boutin, J. P., Miquel, M., Tellier, F., Domergue, F., Markham, J. E., Beaudoin, F., Napier, J. A. and Faure, J. D. (2008). The very-long-chain hydroxy fatty acyl-CoA dehydratase PASTICCINO2 is essential and limiting for plant development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105(38): 14727-14731.
Purkrtova, Z., Jolivet, P., Miquel, M. and Chardot, T. (2008). Structure and function of seed lipid-body-associated proteins. C R Biol 331(10): 746-754.
Baud, S., Wuilleme, S., Dubreucq, B., de Almeida, A., Vuagnat, C., Lepiniec, L., Miquel, M. and Rochat, C. (2007). Function of plastidial pyruvate kinases in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J 52(3): 405-419.
d'Andrea, S., Canonge, M., Beopoulos, A., Jolivet, P., Hartmann, M. A., Miquel, M., Lepiniec, L. and Chardot, T. (2007). At5g50600 encodes a member of the short-chain dehydrogenase reductase superfamily with 11beta- and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities associated with Arabidopsis thaliana seed oil bodies. Biochimie 89(2): 222-229.
Santos Mendoza, M., Dubreucq, B., Miquel, M., Caboche, M. and Lepiniec, L. (2005). LEAFY COTYLEDON 2 activation is sufficient to trigger the accumulation of oil and seed specific mRNAs in Arabidopsis leaves. FEBS Lett 579(21): 4666-4670.
Djemel, N., Guedon, D., Lechevalier, A., Salon, C., Miquel, M., Prosperi, J. M., Rochat, C. and Boutin, J. P. (2005). Development and composition of the seeds of nine genotypes of the Medicago truncatula species complex. Plant Physiol Biochem 43(6): 557-566.