Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, Univerisdad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Current position
Research Scientist CSIC, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología-CSIC Madrid
Publications (since 2000)
Chevalier, F., Nieminen, K., Sanchez-Ferrero, J. C., Rodriguez, M. L., Chagoyen, M., Hardtke, C. S. and Cubas, P. (2014). Strigolactone promotes degradation of DWARF14, an alpha/beta hydrolase essential for strigolactone signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26(3): 1134-1150.
González-Grandío, E. and Cubas, P. (2014). Identification of gene functions associated to active and dormant buds in Arabidopsis. Plant signaling & behavior 9(1): e27994. Short communication.
Coego, A., Brizuela, E., Castillejo, P., Ruíz, S., Koncz, C., del Pozo, J. C., Piñeiro, M., Jarillo, J. A., Paz‐Ares, J. and León, J. (2014). The TRANSPLANTA collection of Arabidopsis lines: a resource for functional analysis of transcription factors based on their conditional overexpression. The Plant Journal 77(6): 944-953.
Gonzalez-Grandio, E., Poza-Carrion, C., Sorzano, C. O. and Cubas, P. (2013). BRANCHED1 promotes axillary bud dormancy in response to shade in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25(3): 834-850.
Martin-Trillo, M., Grandio, E. G., Serra, F., Marcel, F., Rodriguez-Buey, M. L., Schmitz, G., Theres, K., Bendahmane, A., Dopazo, H. and Cubas, P. (2011). Role of tomato BRANCHED1-like genes in the control of shoot branching. Plant J 67(4): 701-714.
Preston, J. C., Hileman, L. C. and Cubas, P. (2011). Reduce, reuse, and recycle: Developmental evolution of trait diversification. American journal of botany 98(3): 397-403.
Martin-Trillo, M. and Cubas, P. (2010). TCP genes: a family snapshot ten years later. Trends Plant Sci 15(1): 31-39.
Hileman, L. C. and Cubas, P. (2009). An expanded evolutionary role for flower symmetry genes. J Biol 8(10): 90.
Jarillo, J. A.*, Pineiro, M.*, Cubas, P.*and Martinez-Zapater, J. M. (2009). Chromatin remodeling in plant development. Int J Dev Biol 53(8-10): 1581-1596. (*Equal contribution)
Kim, M.*, Cui, M. L.*, Cubas, P.*, Gillies, A., Lee, K., Chapman, M. A., Abbott, R. J. and Coen, E. (2008). Regulatory genes control a key morphological and ecological trait transferred between species. Science 322(5904): 1116-1119. (*Equal contribution)
Schommer, C., Palatnik, J. F., Aggarwal, P., Chetelat, A., Cubas, P., Farmer, E. E., Nath, U. and Weigel, D. (2008). Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets. PLoS Biol 6(9): e230.
Barcala, M., García, A., Cubas, P., Almoguera, C., Jordano, J., Fenoll, C. and Escobar, C. (2008). Distinct heat-shock element arrangements that mediate the heat shock, but not the late-embryogenesis induction of small heat-shock proteins, correlate with promoter activation in root-knot nematode feeding cells. Plant Molecular Biology 66(1-2): 151-164.
Poza-Carrion, C., Aguilar-Martinez, J. A. and Cubas, P. (2007). Role of TCP Gene BRANCHED1 in the Control of Shoot Branching in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal Behav 2(6): 551-552.
Carmona, M. J., Cubas, P., Calonje, M. and Martínez-Zapater, J. M. (2007). Flowering transition in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). Botany 85(8): 701-711. (Cover)
Aguilar-Martinez, J. A., Poza-Carrion, C. and Cubas, P. (2007). Arabidopsis BRANCHED1 acts as an integrator of branching signals within axillary buds. Plant Cell 19(2): 458-472. Cover.
Cubas, P. (2004). Floral zygomorphy, the recurring evolution of a successful trait. Bioessays 26(11): 1175-1184. Cover.
Calonje, M., Cubas, P., Martinez-Zapater, J. M. and Carmona, M. J. (2004). Floral meristem identity genes are expressed during tendril development in grapevine. Plant Physiol 135(3): 1491-1501.
Carmona, M. J.*, Cubas, P.* and Martinez-Zapater, J. M. (2002). VFL, the grapevine FLORICAULA/LEAFY ortholog, is expressed in meristematic regions independently of their fate. Plant Physiol 130(1): 68-77. (*Both authors contributed equally to the work)
Cubas, P. (2002). Role of TCP genes in the evolution of key morphological characters in Angiosperms. In: Cronk, Q. C. B., Hawkins, J. and Bateman, R. M. (eds). Developmental genetics and Plant Evolution. Taylor and Francis Ltd, 65: 247-266.
Gillies, A. C., Cubas, P., Coen, E. S. and Abbott, R. J. (2002). Making rays in the Asteraceae: genetics and evolution of radiate versus discoid flower heads. SYSTEMATICS ASSOCIATION SPECIAL VOLUME 65: 233-246.
Franco-Zorrilla, J. M., Cubas, P., Jarillo, J. A., Fernández-Calvı́n, B., Salinas, J. and Martı́nez-Zapater, J. M. (2002). AtREM1, a member of a new family of B3 domain-containing genes, is preferentially expressed in reproductive meristems. Plant Physiology 128(2): 418-427.
Eckardt, N. A., Araki, T., Benning, C., Cubas, P., Goodrich, J., Jacobsen, S. E., Masson, P., Nambara, E., Simon, R., Somerville, S. and Wasteneys, G. (2001). Arabidopsis research 2001. Plant Cell 13(9): 1973-1982.
Cubas, P., Coen, E. and Zapater, J. M. (2001). Ancient asymmetries in the evolution of flowers. Curr Biol 11(13): 1050-1052.
Cubas, P. (2001). Mutantes de la simetria floral en poblaciones naturales. Investigacion y Ciencia (SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN) Julio: 34-35.