Ph.D., Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, 2003
Current position
Tenure-track assistant professor, Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University, Japan
Asai, H., Abe, N., Matsushima, R., Crofts, N., Oitome, N. F., Nakamura, Y. and Fujita, N. (2014). Deficiencies in both starch synthase IIIa and branching enzyme IIb lead to a significant increase in amylose in SSIIa-inactive japonica rice seeds. J Exp Bot 65(18): 5497-5507.
Matsushima, R.*, Maekawa, M., Kusano, M., Kondo, H., Fujita, N., Kawagoe, Y. and Sakamoto, W. (2014). Amyloplast-localized SUBSTANDARD STARCH GRAIN4 protein influences the size of starch grains in rice endosperm. Plant Physiol 164(2): 623-636.
Matsushima, R.*, Yamashita, J. and Kariyama, S. (2013). A Phylogenetic Re-evaluation of Morphological Variations of Starch Grains among Poaceae Species (Special Issue: Starch Metabolism, Structure and Properties). Journal of applied glycoscience 60(1): 37-44.
Nakano, R. T., Matsushima, R., Nagano, A. J., Fukao, Y., Fujiwara, M., Kondo, M., Nishimura, M. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2012). ERMO3/MVP1/GOLD36 is involved in a cell type-specific mechanism for maintaining ER morphology in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 7(11): e49103.
Tang, L. Y., Matsushima, R. and Sakamoto, W. (2012). Mutations defective in ribonucleotide reductase activity interfere with pollen plastid DNA degradation mediated by DPD1 exonuclease. Plant J 70(4): 637-649.
Matsushima, R., Tang, L. Y., Zhang, L., Yamada, H., Twell, D. and Sakamoto, W. (2011). A conserved, Mg(2)+-dependent exonuclease degrades organelle DNA during Arabidopsis pollen development. Plant Cell 23(4): 1608-1624.
Ozawa, R., Matsushima, R., Maffei, M. and Takabayashi, J. (2011). Interaction between Phaseolus plants and two strains of Kanzawa spider mites. Journal of Plant Interactions 6(2-3): 125-128.
Matsushima, R.*, Maekawa, M., Fujita, N. and Sakamoto, W. (2010). A rapid, direct observation method to isolate mutants with defects in starch grain morphology in rice. Plant Cell Physiol 51(5): 728-741.
Nakano, R. T., Matsushima, R., Ueda, H., Tamura, K., Shimada, T., Li, L., Hayashi, Y., Kondo, M., Nishimura, M. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2009). GNOM-LIKE1/ERMO1 and SEC24a/ERMO2 are required for maintenance of endoplasmic reticulum morphology in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 21(11): 3672-3685.
Tang, L. Y., Nagata, N., Matsushima, R., Chen, Y., Yoshioka, Y. and Sakamoto, W. (2009). Visualization of plastids in pollen grains: involvement of FtsZ1 in pollen plastid division. Plant Cell Physiol 50(4): 904-908.
Matsushima, R., Hamamura, Y., Higashiyama, T., Arimura, S., Sodmergen, Tsutsumi, N. and Sakamoto, W. (2008). Mitochondrial dynamics in plant male gametophyte visualized by fluorescent live imaging. Plant Cell Physiol 49(7): 1074-1083.
Matsushima, R., Hu, Y., Toyoda, K., Sodmergen and Sakamoto, W. (2008). The model plant Medicago truncatula exhibits biparental plastid inheritance. Plant Cell Physiol 49(1): 81-91.
Miura, E., Kato, Y., Matsushima, R., Albrecht, V., Laalami, S. and Sakamoto, W. (2007). The balance between protein synthesis and degradation in chloroplasts determines leaf variegation in Arabidopsis yellow variegated mutants. Plant Cell 19(4): 1313-1328.
Kato, Y., Miura, E., Matsushima, R. and Sakamoto, W. (2007). White leaf sectors in yellow variegated2 are formed by viable cells with undifferentiated plastids. Plant Physiol 144(2): 952-960.
Matsushima, R., Ozawa, R., Uefune, M., Gotoh, T. and Takabayashi, J. (2006). Intraspecies variation in the Kanzawa spider mite differentially affects induced defensive response in lima bean plants. J Chem Ecol 32(11): 2501-2512.
Nagano, A. J., Matsushima, R. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2005). Activation of an ER-body-localized beta-glucosidase via a cytosolic binding partner in damaged tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol 46(7): 1140-1148.
Matsushima, R., Fukao, Y., Nishimura, M. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2004). NAI1 gene encodes a basic-helix-loop-helix-type putative transcription factor that regulates the formation of an endoplasmic reticulum-derived structure, the ER body. Plant Cell 16(6): 1536-1549.
Watanabe, E., Shimada, T., Tamura, K., Matsushima, R., Koumoto, Y., Nishimura, M. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2004). An ER-localized form of PV72, a seed-specific vacuolar sorting receptor, interferes the transport of an NPIR-containing proteinase in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Cell Physiol 45(1): 9-17.
Hara-Nishimura, I., Matsushima, R., Shimada, T. and Nishimura, M. (2004). Diversity and formation of endoplasmic reticulum-derived compartments in plants. Are these compartments specific to plant cells? Plant Physiol 136(3): 3435-3439.
Matsushima, R., Kondo, M., Nishimura, M. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2003). A novel ER-derived compartment, the ER body, selectively accumulates a beta-glucosidase with an ER-retention signal in Arabidopsis. Plant J 33(3): 493-502.
Matsushima, R., Hayashi, Y., Yamada, K., Shimada, T., Nishimura, M. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2003). The ER body, a novel endoplasmic reticulum-derived structure in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol 44(7): 661-666.
Hara-Nishimura, I. and Matsushima, R. (2003). A wound-inducible organelle derived from endoplasmic reticulum: a plant strategy against environmental stresses? Curr Opin Plant Biol 6(6): 583-588.
Matsushima, R., Hayashi, Y., Kondo, M., Shimada, T., Nishimura, M. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2002). An endoplasmic reticulum-derived structure that is induced under stress conditions in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 130(4): 1807-1814.
Yamada, K., Matsushima, R., Nishimura, M. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2001). A slow maturation of a cysteine protease with a granulin domain in the vacuoles of senescing Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Physiol 127(4): 1626-1634.
Hayashi, Y., Yamada, K., Shimada, T., Matsushima, R., Nishizawa, N. K., Nishimura, M. and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2001). A proteinase-storing body that prepares for cell death or stresses in the epidermal cells of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol 42(9): 894-899.
Ibaraki, Y., Matsushima, R. and Kurata, K. (2000). Analysis of morphological changes in carrot somatic embryogenesis by serial observation. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 61(1): 9-14.