M.D., New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, 2007
Current position
Resident Physician, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Peer reviewed publications
Barbieri, E., De Preter, K., Capasso, M., Chen, Z., Hsu, D. M., Tonini, G. P., Lefever, S., Hicks, J., Versteeg, R., Pession, A., Speleman, F., Kim, E. S. and Shohet, J. M. (2014). Histone chaperone CHAF1A inhibits differentiation and promotes aggressive neuroblastoma. Cancer Res 74(3): 765-774.
Hsu, D., M Shohet, J. and S Kim, E. (2013). Targeting Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Neuroblastoma. Current Angiogenesis 2(1): 30-39.
Hsu, D. M., Agarwal, S., Benham, A., Coarfa, C., Trahan, D. N., Chen, Z., Stowers, P. N., Courtney, A. N., Lakoma, A., Barbieri, E., Metelitsa, L. S., Gunaratne, P., Kim, E. S. and Shohet, J. M. (2013). G-CSF receptor positive neuroblastoma subpopulations are enriched in chemotherapy-resistant or relapsed tumors and are highly tumorigenic. Cancer Res 73(13): 4134-4146.
Hassan, S. F., Mathur, S., Magliaro, T. J., Larimer, E. L., Ferrell, L. B., Vasudevan, S. A., Patterson, D. M., Louis, C. U., Russell, H. V., Nuchtern, J. G. and Kim, E. S. (2012). Needle core vs open biopsy for diagnosis of intermediate- and high-risk neuroblastoma in children. J Pediatr Surg 47(6): 1261-1266.
Shohet, J. M., Ghosh, R., Coarfa, C., Ludwig, A., Benham, A. L., Chen, Z., Patterson, D. M., Barbieri, E., Mestdagh, P., Sikorski, D. N., Milosavljevic, A., Kim, E. S. and Gunaratne, P. H. (2011). A genome-wide search for promoters that respond to increased MYCN reveals both new oncogenic and tumor suppressor microRNAs associated with aggressive neuroblastoma. Cancer Res 71(11): 3841-3851.
Patterson, D. M., Gao, D., Trahan, D. N., Johnson, B. A., Ludwig, A., Barbieri, E., Chen, Z., Diaz-Miron, J., Vassilev, L., Shohet, J. M. and Kim, E. S. (2011). Effect of MDM2 and vascular endothelial growth factor inhibition on tumor angiogenesis and metastasis in neuroblastoma. Angiogenesis 14(3): 255-266.
Patterson, D. M., Shohet, J. M. and Kim, E. S. (2011). Preclinical models of pediatric solid tumors (neuroblastoma) and their use in drug discovery. Curr Protoc Pharmacol Chapter 14: Unit 14 17.
Mathur, S., Vasudevan, S. A., Patterson, D. M., Hassan, S. F. and Kim, E. S. (2011). Novel use of glycopyrrolate (Robinul) in the treatment of anastomotic leak after repair of esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. J Pediatr Surg 46(3): e29-32.
Nadler, E. P., Patterson, D., Violette, S., Weinreb, P., Lewis, M., Magid, M. S. and Greco, M. A. (2009). Integrin alphavbeta6 and mediators of extracellular matrix deposition are up-regulated in experimental biliary atresia. J Surg Res 154(1): 21-29.
Patterson, D., Mueller, C., Strubel, N., Rivera, R., Ginsburg, H. B. and Nadler, E. P. (2006). Laparoscopic neo-os creation in an adolescent with uterus didelphys and obstructed hemivagina. J Pediatr Surg 41(10): E19-22.
Sambol, E., Patterson, D., Rivera, R., Borys, D., Greco, M. A., Kaul, A. and Nadler, E. P. (2006). An appendiceal leiomyoma in a child with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Pediatr Surg Int 22(10): 865-868.
Pugatch, D., Bennett, L. and Patterson, D. (2002). HIV medication adherence in adolescents: A qualitative study. Journal of HIV/AIDS prevention & education for adolescents & children 5(1-2): 9-29.
Pugatch, D., Strong, L. L., Ramratnam, M., Levesque, B. G., Lally, M., Combs, C., Patterson, D. and Brown, L. K. (2002). HIV risk behaviors in adolescent and young adult substance users undergoing treatment. Journal of HIV/AIDS prevention & education for adolescents & children 4(4): 43-54.
Pugatch, D., Strong, L. L., Has, P., Patterson, D., Combs, C., Reinert, S., Rich, J. D., Flanigan, T. and Brown, L. (2001). Heroin use in adolescents and young adults admitted for drug detoxification. J Subst Abuse 13(3): 337-346.
Book chapters
Hill, A. L., Wu, J., Girgis, M. D., Hsu, D., Tillou, A., Macho, J.,
Nabili, V. and Brunicardi, F. C. Fundamental Principles of Leadership
Training in Surgery. In: Brunicardi, F. C., Andersen, D. K., Billiar, T.
R., Dunn, D. L., Hunter, J. G., Matthews, J. B. and Pollock, R. E.
(eds). Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery 10th edition. McGraw-Hill
Companies (In press)
Hsu, D. M. and Kim, E. S. (2013). Targeting VEGF-Mediated Tumor Angiogenesis in Neuroblastoma. In: Santulli, G. (ed). Angiogenesis: Insights from a Systematic Overview. Nova Science Publishers
Hsu, D., Dunn, J. and Atresia, B. (2013). Handbook of Pediatric Surgical Patient Care. In: Ladd, A. P., Rescoria, F. J. and Grosfeld, J. L. (eds). World Scientific Publishing