1. Bompard, G., J. van Dijk, J. Cau, Y. Lannay, G. Marcellin, A. Lawera, S. van der Laan and K. Rogowski. 2018. CSAP acts as a regulator of TTLL-mediated microtubule glutamylation. Cell Rep. 25:2866-2877.
2. van Dijk, J., G. Bompard, J. Cau, S. Kunishima, G. Rabeharivelo, J. Mateos-Langerak, C. Cazevieille, P. Cavelier, B. Boizet-Bonhoure, C. Delsert and N. Morin. 2018. Microtubule polyglutamylation and acetylation drive microtubule dynamics critical for platelet formation. BMC Biol. 16:116.
3. Cau, J., N. Morin and G. Bompard. 2013. Spindle Angle Measurements. Bio-protocol 3(19):e925.
4. Bompard, G., G. Rabeharivelo, J. Cau, A. Abrieu, C. Delsert, and N. Morin. 2013. P21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4) is required for metaphase spindle positioning and anchoring. Oncogene 32:910-9.
5. Bompard, G. and N. Morin. 2012. p21-activated kinase 4 regulates mitotic spindle positioning and orientation. BioArchitecture 2:130-3.
6. Bompard, G., G. Rabeharivelo, M. Frank, J. Cau, C. Delsert, and N. Morin. 2010. Subgroup II PAK-mediated phosphorylation regulates Ran activity during mitosis. J Cell Biol. 190:807-22.
7. Bompard, G., G. Rabeharivelo, and N. Morin. 2008. Inhibition of cytokinesis by wiskostatin does not rely on N-WASP/ Arp2/3 complex pathway. BMC Cell Biol. 9:42.
8. Dromard, M., G. Bompard, M. Glondu-Lassis, C. Puech, D. Chalbos, and G. Freiss. 2007. The Putative Tumor Suppressor Gene PTPN13/PTPL1 Induces Apoptosis through Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Dephosphorylation. Cancer Res. 67:6806-13.
9. Legg, J.A., G. Bompard, J. Dawson, H.L. Morris, N. Andrew, L. Cooper, S.A. Johnston, G. Tramountanis, and L.M. Machesky. 2007. N-WASP involvement in dorsal ruffle formation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Mol Biol Cell 18:678-87.
10. Bompard, G., S.J. Sharp, G. Freiss, and L.M. Machesky. 2005. Involvement of Rac in actin cytoskeleton rearrangements induced by MIM-B. J Cell Sci. 118:5393-403.
11. Millard, T.H., G. Bompard, M.Y. Heung, T.R. Dafforn, D.J. Scott, L.M. Machesky, and K. Futterer. 2005. Structural basis of filopodia formation induced by the IRSp53/MIM homology domain of human IRSp53. Embo J. 24:240-50. http://f1000.com/prime/1023364
12. Bompard, G., and E. Caron. 2004. Regulation of WASP/WAVE proteins: making a long story short.
J Cell Biol. 166:957-62.
13. Freiss, G., G. Bompard, and F. Vignon. 2004. [PTPL1, a proapoptotic protein tyrosine phosphatase in breast cancers]. Bull Cancer 91:325-32.
14. Bompard, G., M. Martin, C. Roy, F. Vignon, and G. Freiss. 2003. Membrane targeting of protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPL1 through its FERM domain via binding to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate. J Cell Sci. 116:2519-30.
15. Bompard, G., C. Puech, C. Prebois, F. Vignon, and G. Freiss. 2002. Protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTPL1/FAP-1 triggers apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. J Biol Chem. 277:47861-9.