Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University of Idaho, 1982
Current position
Visiting Professor and Fulbright Senior Scholar, Cyprus University of Technology
Professor of Postharvest Physiology, Washington State University
Research interests: Chemistry, biochemistry, phytochemistry of perishable plant organs and their products thereof. Principal crops of interest are wine grapes, pome fruits, small fruits, asparagus, potatoes, onions and cassava.
Publications (selected from total number 77)
Jiao, S., Johnson, J., Tang, J., Mattinson, D., Fellman, J., Davenport, T. and Wang, S. (2013). Tolerance of codling moth, and apple quality associated with low pressure/low temperature treatments. Postharvest Biology and Technology 85: 136-140.
Getzin, E.M. and Fellman, J.K. (2013). Confocal Imaging Studies of Postharvest Physiological Deterioration in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Root Tissue. Acta Hort. 945:114-118.
Jiao, S., Johnson, J. A., Fellman, J. K., Mattinson, D. S., Tang, J., Davenport, T. L. and Wang, S. (2012). Evaluating the storage environment in hypobaric chambers used for disinfesting fresh fruits. Biosystems Engineering 111(3): 271-279.
Caparino, O., Tang, J., Nindo, C., Sablani, S., Powers, J. and Fellman, J. (2012). Effect of drying methods on the physical properties and microstructures of mango (Philippine ‘Carabao’var.) powder. Journal of Food Engineering 111(1): 135-148.
Sayre, R., Beeching, J. R., Cahoon, E. B., Egesi, C., Fauquet, C., Fellman, J., Fregene, M., Gruissem, W., Mallowa, S., Manary, M., Maziya-Dixon, B., Mbanaso, A., Schachtman, D. P., Siritunga, D., Taylor, N., Vanderschuren, H. and Zhang, P. (2011). The BioCassava plus program: biofortification of cassava for sub-Saharan Africa. Annu Rev Plant Biol 62: 251-272.
Felicetti, E., Mattheis, J. P., Zhu, Y. and Fellman, J. K. (2011). Dynamics of ascorbic acid in ‘Braeburn’and ‘Gala’apples during on-tree development and storage in atmospheres conducive to internal browning development. Postharvest Biology and Technology 61(2): 95-102.
Iyer, S., Mattinson, D. S. and Fellman, J. K. (2010). Study of the early events leading to cassava root postharvest deterioration. Tropical plant biology 3(3): 151-165.
Clement, S., Sharma, H., Muehlbauer, F., Elberson, L., Mattinson, D. and Fellman, J. (2010). Resistance to beet armyworm in a chickpea recombinant inbred line population. Journal of Applied Entomology 134(1): 1-8.
Mitsuhashi-Gonzalez, K., Pitts, M., Fellman, J., Curry, E. and Clary, C. (2010). Bruising profile of fresh apples associated with tissue type and structure. Applied engineering in agriculture 26(3): 509-517.
Paull, R. E., Irikura, B., Wu, P., Turano, H., Chen, N. J., Blas, A., Fellman, J. K., Gschwend, A. R., Wai, C. M. and Yu, Q. (2008). Fruit development, ripening and quality related genes in the papaya genome. Tropical Plant Biology 1(3-4): 246-277.
Fuchs, S. J., Mattinson, D. S. and Fellman, J. K. (2008). Effect of edible coatings on postharvest quality of fresh green asparagus. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 32(6): 951-971.
Müller, I. and Fellman, J. (2007). Pre-harvest application of soybean oil alters epicuticular wax crystallization patters and resistance to weight loss in ‘Golden Delicious’ apples during storage. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechology 82(2): 207-216.
Rudell, D. R., Mattheis, J. P. and Fellman, J. K. (2006). Influence of ethylene action, storage atmosphere, and storage duration on diphenylamine and diphenylamine derivative content of Granny Smith apple peel. J Agric Food Chem 54(6): 2365-2371.
Cramer, A. C., Mattinson, D. S., Fellman, J. K. and Baik, B. K. (2005). Analysis of volatile compounds from various types of barley cultivars. J Agric Food Chem 53(19): 7526-7531.
Rudell, D. R., Mattheis, J. P. and Fellman, J. K. (2005). Evaluation of diphenylamine derivatives in apple peel using gradient reversed-phase liquid chromatography with ultraviolet-visible absorption and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass selective detection. J Chromatogr A 1081(2): 202-209.
Haines, M., Shiel, P., Fellman, J. and Berger, P. (2003). Abnormalities in growth, development and physiological responses to biotic and abiotic stress in potato (Solanum tuberosum) transformed with Arabidopsis ETR1. The Journal of Agricultural Science 141(3-4): 333-347.
Warren, J. M., Bassman, J. H., Fellman, J. K., Mattinson, D. S. and Eigenbrode, S. (2003). Ultraviolet-B radiation alters phenolic salicylate and flavonoid composition of Populus trichocarpa leaves. Tree Physiol 23(8): 527-535.
Warren, J. M., Bassman, J. H., Mattinson, D. S., Fellman, J. K., Edwards, G. E. and Robberecht, R. (2002). Alteration of foliar flavonoid chemistry induced by enhanced UV-B radiation in field-grown Pinus ponderosa, Quercus rubra and Pseudotsuga menziesii. J Photochem Photobiol B 66(2): 125-133.