M.Sc. in Biochemistry, Department of Molecular and Medical Virology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, 2007.
Current position
Ph.D. study at the Department of Molecular and Medical Virology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.
Grewe, B., Ehrhardt, K., Hoffmann, B., Blissenbach, M., Brandt, S. and Uberla, K. (2012). The HIV-1 Rev protein enhances encapsidation of unspliced and spliced, RRE-containing lentiviral vector RNA. PLoS ONE 7(11): e48688.
Kamdem Toukam, D., Tenbusch, M., Stang, A., Temchura, V., Storcksdieck Genannt Bonsmann, M., Grewe, B., Koch, S., Meyerhans, A., Nchinda, G., Kaptue, L. and Uberla, K. (2012). Targeting antibody responses to the membrane proximal external region of the envelope glycoprotein of human immunodeficiency virus. PLoS ONE 7(5): e38068.
Grewe, B., Hoffmann, B., Ohs, I., Blissenbach, M., Brandt, S., Tippler, B., Grunwald, T. and Uberla, K. (2012). Cytoplasmic utilization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 genomic RNA is not dependent on a nuclear interaction with gag. J Virol 86(6): 2990-3002.
Grewe, B. and Uberla, K. (2010). The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Rev protein: menage a trois during the early phase of the lentiviral replication cycle. J Gen Virol 91(Pt 8): 1893-1897.
Blissenbach, M., Grewe, B., Hoffmann, B., Brandt, S. and Uberla, K. (2010). Nuclear RNA export and packaging functions of HIV-1 Rev revisited. J Virol 84(13): 6598-6604.
Grewe, B., Uberla, K. Rev Revisited: Additional Functions of the HIV-1 Rev Protein. In Lever AML, Jeang KT, Berkhout B (eds), Recent Advances in Human Retroviruses: Principles of Replication and Pathogenesis. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. 2010. p 439–470.
Brandt, S., Blissenbach, M., Grewe, B., Konietzny, R., Grunwald, T. and Uberla, K. (2007). Rev proteins of human and simian immunodeficiency virus enhance RNA encapsidation. PLoS Pathog 3(4): e54.