Ph.D. in Immunology, Laboratory of Hematology, Radboud University Nijmegen, 1999
Current position
He is an associate professor at the department of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory of Hematology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre. His research focuses on improving immunotherapies for patients with hematological malignancies
Hobo, W.*, Broen, K.*, van der Velden, W. J., Greupink-Draaisma, A., Adisty, N., Wouters, Y., Kester, M., Fredrix, H., Jansen, J. H., van der Reijden, B., Falkenburg, J. H., de Witte, T., Preijers, F., Schattenberg, T., Feuth, T., Blijlevens, N. M., Schaap, N. and Dolstra, H. (2013). Association of disparities in known minor histocompatibility antigens with relapse-free survival and graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 19(2): 274-282.( *These authors contributed equally)
Hobo, W., Novobrantseva, T. I., Fredrix, H., Wong, J., Milstein, S., Epstein-Barash, H., Liu, J., Schaap, N., van der Voort, R. and Dolstra, H. (2013). Improving dendritic cell vaccine immunogenicity by silencing PD-1 ligands using siRNA-lipid nanoparticles combined with antigen mRNA electroporation. Cancer Immunol Immunother 62(2): 285-297.
Hobo, W.*, Norde, W. J.*, Schaap, N., Fredrix, H., Maas, F., Schellens, K., Falkenburg, J. H., Korman, A. J., Olive, D., van der Voort, R. and Dolstra, H. (2012). B and T lymphocyte attenuator mediates inhibition of tumor-reactive CD8+ T cells in patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. J Immunol 189(1): 39-49.(*These authors contributed equally)
Norde, W. J.*, Hobo, W.*, van der Voort, R. and Dolstra, H. (2012). Coinhibitory molecules in hematologic malignancies: targets for therapeutic intervention. Blood 120(4): 728-736. (*These authors contributed equally)
Broen, K., van der Waart, A. B., Greupink-Draaisma, A., Metzig, J., Feuth, T., Schaap, N. P., Blijlevens, N. M., van der Velden, W. J. and Dolstra, H. (2011). Polymorphisms in CCR6 are associated with chronic graft-versus-host disease and invasive fungal disease in matched-related hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 17(10): 1443-1449.
Broen, K., Levenga, H., Vos, J., van Bergen, K., Fredrix, H., Greupink-Draaisma, A., Kester, M., Falkenburg, J. H., de Mulder, P., de Witte, T., Griffioen, M. and Dolstra, H. (2011). A polymorphism in the splice donor site of ZNF419 results in the novel renal cell carcinoma-associated minor histocompatibility antigen ZAPHIR. PLoS One 6(6): e21699.
Broen, K., Greupink-Draaisma, A., Woestenenk, R., Schaap, N., Brickner, A. G. and Dolstra, H. (2011). Concurrent detection of circulating minor histocompatibility antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in SCT recipients by combinatorial encoding MHC multimers. PLoS One 6(6): e21266.
Spanholtz, J., Preijers, F., Tordoir, M., Trilsbeek, C., Paardekooper, J., de Witte, T., Schaap, N. and Dolstra, H. (2011). Clinical-grade generation of active NK cells from cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells for immunotherapy using a closed-system culture process. PLoS One 6(6): e20740.
Norde, W. J., Maas, F., Hobo, W., Korman, A., Quigley, M., Kester, M. G., Hebeda, K., Falkenburg, J. H., Schaap, N., de Witte, T. M., van der Voort, R. and Dolstra, H. (2011). PD-1/PD-L1 interactions contribute to functional T-cell impairment in patients who relapse with cancer after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Cancer Res 71(15): 5111-5122.
van Bijnen, S. T., Withaar, M., Preijers, F., van der Meer, A., de Witte, T., Muus, P. and Dolstra, H. (2011). T cells expressing the activating NK-cell receptors KIR2DS4, NKG2C and NKG2D are elevated in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and cytotoxic toward hematopoietic progenitor cell lines. Exp Hematol 39(7): 751-762 e751-753.
Hobo, W., Maas, F., Adisty, N., de Witte, T., Schaap, N., van der Voort, R. and Dolstra, H. (2010). siRNA silencing of PD-L1 and PD-L2 on dendritic cells augments expansion and function of minor histocompatibility antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. Blood 116(22): 4501-4511.
Spanholtz, J., Tordoir, M., Eissens, D., Preijers, F., van der Meer, A., Joosten, I., Schaap, N., de Witte, T. M. and Dolstra, H. (2010). High log-scale expansion of functional human natural killer cells from umbilical cord blood CD34-positive cells for adoptive cancer immunotherapy. PLoS One 5(2): e9221.
Overes, I. M., Fredrix, H., Kester, M. G., Falkenburg, J. H., van der Voort, R., de Witte, T. M. and Dolstra, H. (2009). Efficient activation of LRH-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses from transplanted leukemia patients by stimulation with P2X5 mRNA-electroporated dendritic cells. J Immunother 32(6): 539-551.
Norde, W. J., Overes, I. M., Maas, F., Fredrix, H., Vos, J. C., Kester, M. G., van der Voort, R., Jedema, I., Falkenburg, J. H., Schattenberg, A. V., de Witte, T. M. and Dolstra, H. (2009). Myeloid leukemic progenitor cells can be specifically targeted by minor histocompatibility antigen LRH-1-reactive cytotoxic T cells. Blood 113(10): 2312-2323.
Overes, I. M., Levenga, T. H., Vos, J. C., van Horssen-Zoetbrood, A., van der Voort, R., De Mulder, P. H., de Witte, T. M. and Dolstra, H. (2009). Aberrant expression of the hematopoietic-restricted minor histocompatibility antigen LRH-1 on solid tumors results in efficient cytotoxic T cell-mediated lysis. Cancer Immunol Immunother 58(3): 429-439.