Ph.D., Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, 1997
Current Position
Associate professor, Graduate school of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University, Japan
Publications (since 2012)
Morimoto, Y. V., Kami-ike, N., Miyata, T., Kawamoto, A., Kato, T., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2016). High-resolution pH imaging of living bacterial cell to detect local pH differences. mBio 7: e01911-16.
Furukawa, Y., Inoue, Y., Sakaguchi, A., Mori, Y., Fukumura, T., Miyata, T., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2016). Structural stability of flagellin subunit affects the rate of flagellin export in the absence of FliS chaperone. Mol Microbiol 102(3): 405-416.
Kinoshita, M., Nakanishi, Y., Furukawa, Y., Namba, K., Imada, K. and Minamino, T. (2016). Rearrangements of alpha-helical structures of FlgN chaperone control the binding affinity for its cognate substrates during flagellar type III export. Mol Microbiol 101(4): 656-670.
Imada, K., Minamino, T., Uchida, Y., Kinoshita, M. and Namba, K. (2016). Insight into the flagella type III export revealed by the complex structure of the type III ATPase and its regulator. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(13): 3633-3638.
Minamino, T., Morimoto, Y. V., Hara, N., Aldridge, P. D. and Namba, K. (2016). The Bacterial Flagellar Type III Export Gate Complex Is a Dual Fuel Engine That Can Use Both H+ and Na+ for Flagellar Protein Export. PLoS Pathog 12(3): e1005495.
Minamino, T., Kinoshita, M., Inoue, Y., Morimoto, Y. V., Ihara, K., Koya, S., Hara, N., Nishioka, N., Kojima, S., Homma, M. and Namba, K. (2016). FliH and FliI ensure efficient energy coupling of flagellar type III protein export in Salmonella. Microbiologyopen 5(3): 424-435.
McMurry, J. L., Minamino, T., Furukawa, Y., Francis, J. W., Hill, S. A., Helms, K. A. and Namba, K. (2015). Weak Interactions between Salmonella enterica FlhB and Other Flagellar Export Apparatus Proteins Govern Type III Secretion Dynamics. PLoS One 10(8): e0134884.
Minamino, T., Morimoto, Y. V., Kinoshita, M., Aldridge, P. D. and Namba, K. (2014). The bacterial flagellar protein export apparatus processively transports flagellar proteins even with extremely infrequent ATP hydrolysis. Sci Rep 4: 7579.
Bai, F., Morimoto, Y. V., Yoshimura, S. D. J., Hara, N., Kami-ike, N., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2014). Assembly dynamics and the roles of FliI ATPase of the bacterial flagellar export apparatus. Sci Rep 4: 6528.
Fukumura, T., Furukawa, Y., Kawaguchi, T., Saijo-Hamano, Y., Namba, K., Imada, K. and Minamino, T. (2014). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the periplasmic domain of FliP, an integral membrane component of the bacterial flagellar type III protein-export apparatus. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 70(Pt 9): 1215-1218.
Nakamura, S., Minamino, T., Kami-Ike, N., Kudo, S. and Namba, K. (2014). Effect of the MotB(D33N) mutation on stator assembly and rotation of the proton-driven bacterial flagellar motor. Biophysics (Nagoya-shi) 10: 35-41.
Morimoto, Y. V., Ito, M., Hiraoka, K. D., Che, Y. S., Bai, F., Kami-Ike, N., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2014). Assembly and stoichiometry of FliF and FlhA in Salmonella flagellar basal body. Mol Microbiol 91(6): 1214-1226.
Che, Y. S., Nakamura, S., Morimoto, Y. V., Kami-Ike, N., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2014). Load-sensitive coupling of proton translocation and torque generation in the bacterial flagellar motor. Mol Microbiol 91(1): 175-184.
Castillo, D. J., Nakamura, S., Morimoto, Y. V., Che, Y. S., Kami-Ike, N., Kudo, S., Minamino, T. and Namba, K. (2013). The C-terminal periplasmic domain of MotB is responsible for load-dependent control of the number of stators of the bacterial flagellar motor. Biophysics (Nagoya-shi) 9: 173-181.
Kinoshita, M., Hara, N., Imada, K., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2013). Interactions of bacterial flagellar chaperone-substrate complexes with FlhA contribute to co-ordinating assembly of the flagellar filament. Mol Microbiol 90(6): 1249-1261.
Kawamoto, A., Morimoto, Y. V., Miyata, T., Minamino, T., Hughes, K. T., Kato, T. and Namba, K. (2013). Common and distinct structural features of Salmonella injectisome and flagellar basal body. Sci Rep 3: 3369.
Bai, F., Che, Y. S., Kami-ike, N., Ma, Q., Minamino, T., Sowa, Y. and Namba, K. (2013). Populational heterogeneity vs. temporal fluctuation in Escherichia coli flagellar motor switching. Biophys J 105(9): 2123-2129.
Moriya, N., Minamino, T., Ferris, H. U., Morimoto, Y. V., Ashihara, M., Kato, T. and Namba, K. (2013). Role of the Dc domain of the bacterial hook protein FlgE in hook assembly and function. Biophysics (Nagoya-shi) 9: 63-72.
Kishikawa, J., Ibuki, T., Nakamura, S., Nakanishi, A., Minamino, T., Miyata, T., Namba, K., Konno, H., Ueno, H., Imada, K. and Yokoyama, K. (2013). Common evolutionary origin for the rotor domain of rotary ATPases and flagellar protein export apparatus. PLoS One 8(5): e64695.
Takekawa, N., Terauchi, T., Morimoto, Y. V., Minamino, T., Lo, C. J., Kojima, S. and Homma, M. (2013). Na+ conductivity of the Na+-driven flagellar motor complex composed of unplugged wild-type or mutant PomB with PomA. J Biochem 153(5): 441-451.
Martinez-Argudo, I., Veenendaal, A. K., Liu, X., Roehrich, A. D., Ronessen, M. C., Franzoni, G., van Rietschoten, K. N., Morimoto, Y. V., Saijo-Hamano, Y., Avison, M. B., Studholme, D. J., Namba, K., Minamino, T. and Blocker, A. J. (2013). Isolation of Salmonella mutants resistant to the inhibitory effect of Salicylidene acylhydrazides on flagella-mediated motility. PLoS One 8(1): e52179.
Morimoto, Y. V., Nakamura, S., Hiraoka, K. D., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2013). Distinct roles of highly conserved charged residues at the MotA-FliG interface in bacterial flagellar motor rotation. J Bacteriol 195(3): 474-481.
Ibuki, T., Uchida, Y., Hironaka, Y., Namba, K., Imada, K. and Minamino, T. (2013). Interaction between FliJ and FlhA, components of the bacterial flagellar type III export apparatus. J Bacteriol 195(3): 466-473.
Uchida, Y., Minamino, T., Namba, K. and Imada, K. (2012). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the FliH-FliI complex responsible for bacterial flagellar type III protein export. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 68(Pt 11): 1311-1314.
Monjaras Feria, J., Garcia-Gomez, E., Espinosa, N., Minamino, T., Namba, K. and Gonzalez-Pedrajo, B. (2012). Role of EscP (Orf16) in injectisome biogenesis and regulation of type III protein secretion in enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 194(22): 6029-6045.
Hara, N., Morimoto, Y. V., Kawamoto, A., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2012). Interaction of the extreme N-terminal region of FliH with FlhA is required for efficient bacterial flagellar protein export. J Bacteriol 194: 5353–5360.
Bai, F., Minamino, T., Wu, Z., Namba, K. and Xing, J. (2012). Coupling between switching regulation and torque generation in bacterial flagellar motor. Phys Rev Lett 108(17): 178105.
Minamino, T., Kinoshita, M., Hara, N., Takeuchi, S., Hida, A., Koya, S., Glenwright, H., Imada, K., Aldridge, P. D. and Namba, K. (2012). Interaction of a bacterial flagellar chaperone FlgN with FlhA is required for efficient export of its cognate substrates. Mol Microbiol 83(4): 775-788.
Shimada, M., Saijo-Hamano, Y., Furukawa, Y., Minamino, T., Imada, K. and Namba, K. (2012). Functional defect and restoration of temperature-sensitive mutants of FlhA, a subunit of the flagellar protein export apparatus. J Mol Biol 415(5): 855-865.
Minamino, T., Kinoshita, M., Imada, K. and Namba, K. (2012). xMinamino, T., Kinoshita, M., Imada, K. and Namba, K. (2012). Interaction between FliI ATPase and a flagellar chaperone FliT during bacterial flagellar protein export. Mol Microbiol 83(1): 168-178. Mol Microbiol 83(1): 168-178.