Tie Liu
  • Faculty, University of Florida
Research fields
  • Plant Science
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Lab information


1. Liu T, Longhurst A, Talavera-Rauh F, Hokin S, and Barton MK. (2016) The Arabidopsis transcriptional
repressor ABIG1 relays ABA signaled inhibition of growth and drought induced senescence. eLife. 5, e13768.

2. Reinhart B, Liu T, Huang T, Kerstetter R and Barton MK (2013) Establishing a framework for the
ad/abaxial regulatory network of Arabidopsis: ascertaining targets of class III HOMEODOMAIN
LEUCINE ZIPPER and KANADI regulation. The Plant Cell 25, 3228-3249.

3. Brandt R, Salla-Martret M, Bou-Torrent J, Musielak, M Stahl T, Lanz C, Ott F, Schmid M, Greb T,
Schwarz T, Sang-Bong C, Barton MK, Reinhart B, Liu T, Quint M, Jean-Christophe P, Martínez-García
J, and Wenkel S. (2012) Genome-wide binding site analysis of REVOLUTA reveals a link between leaf
patterning and light-mediated growth responses. The Plant Journal 72(1), 31-42.

4. Liu T, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann D (2009) The rice orthologues of Arabidopsis thaliana stomata bHLH
genes FAMA and MUTE have functions in grass stomata formation. Development 136, 2265-2276.

5. Liu T*, Liu S * (*Co-first author), Guan H, Ma L, Chen Z, Gu H and Qu L (2009) Expression profiling
analysis of the effect of heavy metal lead (Pb) on Arabidopsis. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67,377-386.

6. Jiao Y*, Tausta S *, Gandotra N *, Sun N *, Liu T* (*Co-first author), Clay N, Chen M, Li N, Holford
M, Ma L, Zhao H, Deng X and Nelson T (2009) A transcriptome atlas of rice cell types reveals plant
cellular hierarchies. Nature Genetics 41, 258-263.

7. Jiao Y, Yang H, Ma L, Sun N, Yu H, Liu T, Gao Y, Gu H, Chen Z, Wada M, Gerstein M, Zhao H, Qu
L, and Deng X (2003) A genome wide analysis of blue light regulation of Arabidopsis transcription factor
gene expression. Plant Physiology 133, 1480-1493.

8. Liu T, Reinhart B, Magnani E, Huang T, Kerstetter R and Barton MK (2013) Of blades and branches:
understanding and expanding the Arabidopsis ad/abaxial regulatory network by target gene identification.
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume LXXVII 77, 31-45.

9. Liu T, Tausta S, Gandotra N, Nelson T (2012) Rice seed development: a cornerstone for cereal crops.
Seed Development: OMICS technologies toward improvement of seed quality and crop yield.

10. Nelson T, Tausta S, Gandotra N, Liu T, Ceserani T, Chen M, Jiao Y, Ma L, Deng X, Sun X, Holfold M,
Li N, Sun N and Zhao H (2008) The promise of systems biology for deciphering the control of C4 leaf
development: transcriptome profiling of leaf cell types. Book chapter, Charting New Pathways To C4 Rice.
World Scientific 317-332.

11. Nelson T, Tausta S, Gandotra N and Liu T (2006) Laser microdissection of plant tissue: what you see is
what you get. Annual Review of Plant Biology 57, 181-201.
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