Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, USA, 2011
Current position
Research Specialist/Lab Manager, Biology, Stanford University/HHMI, United States
Sharma, N. and Barton, M. K. A novel epistatic mechanism between SHOOTMERISTEMLESS and CLAVATA genes in regulating stem cell population at Shoot Apical Meristem. (Manuscript in preparation).
Magnani, E., Longhurst, A., Cabalona, L., Sharma, N., Reinhart, B. J., Liu, T., Talavera-Rauh, F., Huang, T., Hokin, S. A., Kerstetter, R. A. and Barton, M. K. The Abscisic Acid Signaling Pathway and the Ad/Abaxial Developmental Pathway Interact to Regulate Germination and Vegetative Growth in Arabidopsis. (In review).
Sharma, N., Xin, R., Kim, D. H., Sung, S., Lange, T. and Huq, E. (2016). NO FLOWERING IN SHORT DAY (NFL) is a bHLH transcription factor that promotes flowering specifically under short-day conditions in Arabidopsis. Development 143(4): 682-690.
Sharma, N. and Huq, E. (2011). Identification and functional characterization of target genes for NFL. 6:32493.