Ph. D. In Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Organic Chemistry, La Laguna University, Tenerife, Spain, 2007
Current position
Researcher on Bioguided Chemistry of Natural Products, Instituto de Investigaciones Fármaco Bioquímicas (IIFB), University Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
Martin-Rodriguez, A. J., Ticona, J. C., Jimenez, I. A., Flores, N., Fernandez, J. J. and Bazzocchi, I. L. (2015). Flavonoids from Piper delineatum modulate quorum-sensing-regulated phenotypes in Vibrio harveyi. Phytochemistry 117: 98-106.
Cedron, J. C., Gutierrez, D., Flores, N., Ravelo, A. G. and Estevez-Braun, A. (2013). Preparation and antimalarial activity of semisynthetic lycorenine derivatives. Eur J Med Chem 63: 722-730.
Gutierrez, D., Flores, N., Abad-Grillo, T. and McNaughton-Smith, G. (2013). Evaluation of substituted phenalenone analogues as antiplasmodial agents. Exp Parasitol 135(2): 456-458.
Cedron, J. C., Gutierrez, D., Flores, N., Ravelo, A. G. and Estevez-Braun, A. (2012). Synthesis and antimalarial activity of new haemanthamine-type derivatives. Bioorg Med Chem 20(18): 5464-5472.
Mendoza, L., Mamo, G., Flores, N., Gimenez, A. and Hatti-Kaul, R. (2011). Laccase mediator system for activation of agarose gel: Aplication for immobilization of proteins. Journal of molecular catalysis B: Enzymatic, 68, 270-274.
Cedron, J. C., Gutierrez, D., Flores, N., Ravelo, A. G. and Estevez-Braun, A. (2010). Synthesis and antiplasmodial activity of lycorine derivatives. Bioorg Med Chem 18(13): 4694-4701.
Cedron, J. C., Estevez-Braun, A., Ravelo, A. G., Gutierrez, D., Flores, N., Bucio, M. A., Perez-Hernandez, N. and Joseph-Nathan, P. (2009). Bioactive montanine derivatives from halide-induced rearrangements of haemanthamine-type alkaloids. Absolute configuration by VCD. Org Lett 11(7): 1491-1494.
Flores, N., Jimenez, I. A., Gimenez, A., Ruiz, G., Gutierrez, D., Bourdy, G. and Bazzocchi, I. L. (2009). Antiparasitic activity of prenylated benzoic acid derivatives from Piper species. Phytochemistry 70(5): 621-627.
Flores, N., Jimenez, I. A., Gimenez, A., Ruiz, G., Gutierrez, D., Bourdy, G. and Bazzocchi, I. L. (2008). Benzoic acid derivatives from Piper species and their antiparasitic activity. J Nat Prod 71(9): 1538-1543.
Flores, N., Cabrera, G., Jimenez, I. A., Pinero, J., Gimenez, A., Bourdy, G., Cortes-Selva, F. and Bazzocchi, I. L. (2007). Leishmanicidal constituents from the leaves of Piper rusbyi. Planta Med 73(3): 206-211.