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0 Q&A 146 Views Feb 5, 2025

Amylin is an amyloidogenic neuroendocrine hormone co-synthesized and co-secreted with insulin from the pancreas. It readily crosses the blood–brain barrier and synergistically forms mixed amyloid plaques with β-amyloid (Aβ) in brain parenchyma. Parenchymal amylin-Aβ plaques are found in both sporadic and early-onset familial Alzheimer’s disease (AD), yet their (patho)physiological role remains elusive, particularly due to a lack of detection modalities for these mixed plaques. Previously, we developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) capable of detecting amylin-Aβ hetero-oligomers in brain lysate and blood using a polyclonal anti-amylin antibody to capture hetero-oligomers and a monoclonal anti-Aβ mid-domain detection antibody combination. This combination allows for the recognition of distinct amylin epitopes, which remain accessible after amylin-Aβ oligomerization has begun, and precise detection of Aβ epitopes available after oligomer formation. The utility of this assay is evidenced in our previous report, wherein differences in hetero-oligomer content in brain tissue from patients with and without AD and patients with and without diabetes were distinguished. Additionally, using AD model rats, we provided evidence that our assay can be employed for the detection of amylin-Aβ in blood. This assay and protocol are important innovations in the field of AD research because they meet an unmet need to detect mixed amyloid plaques that, if targeted therapeutically, could reduce AD progression and severity.

0 Q&A 477 Views Oct 5, 2024

Protein misfolding fuels multiple neurodegenerative diseases, but existing techniques lack the resolution to pinpoint the location and physical properties of aggregates within living cells. Our protocol describes high-resolution confocal and fluorescent lifetime microscopy (Fast 3D FLIM) of an aggregation probing system. This system involves a metastable HaloTag protein (HT-aggr) labeled with P1 solvatochromic fluorophore, which can be targeted to subcellular compartments. This strategy allows to distinguish between aggregated and folded probe species, since P1 fluorophore changes its lifetime depending on the hydrophobicity of its microenvironment. The probe is not fluorescence intensity-dependent, overcoming issues related to intensity-based measurements of labeled proteins, such as control of probe quantity due to differences in expression or photobleaching of a proportion of the fluorophore population. Our approach reports on the performance of the machinery dealing with aggregation-prone substrates and thus opens doors to studying proteostasis and its role in neurodegenerative diseases.

0 Q&A 2618 Views Feb 20, 2024

Astrocytes are increasingly recognized for their important role in neurodegenerative diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In ALS, astrocytes shift from their primary function of providing neuronal homeostatic support towards a reactive and toxic role, which overall contributes to neuronal toxicity and cell death. Currently, our knowledge on these processes is incomplete, and time-efficient and reproducible model systems in a human context are therefore required to understand and therapeutically modulate the toxic astrocytic response for future treatment options. Here, we present an efficient and straightforward protocol to generate human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived astrocytes implementing a differentiation scheme based on small molecules. Through an initial 25 days, hiPSCs are differentiated into astrocytes, which are matured for 4+ weeks. The hiPSC-derived astrocytes can be cryopreserved at every passage during differentiation and maturation. This provides convenient pauses in the protocol as well as cell banking opportunities, thereby limiting the need to continuously start from hiPSCs. The protocol has already proven valuable in ALS research but can be adapted to any desired research field where astrocytes are of interest.

Key features

• This protocol requires preexisting experience in hiPSC culturing for a successful outcome.

• The protocol relies on a small molecule differentiation scheme and an easy-to-follow methodology, which can be paused at several time points.

• The protocol generates >50 × 106 astrocytes per differentiation, which can be cryopreserved at every passage, ensuring a large-scale experimental output.

Graphical overview

0 Q&A 451 Views Jun 20, 2023

There are more than 40 types of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), most of which are caused by abnormal expansion of short tandem repeats at various gene loci. These phenotypically similar disorders require molecular testing at multiple loci by fluorescent PCR and capillary electrophoresis to identify the causative repeat expansion. We describe a simple strategy to screen for the more common SCA1, SCA2, and SCA3 by rapidly detecting the abnormal CAG repeat expansion at the ATXN1, ATXN2, and ATXN3 loci using melting curve analysis of triplet-primed PCR products. Each of the three separate assays employs a plasmid DNA carrying a known repeat size to generate a threshold melt peak temperature, which effectively distinguishes expansion-positive samples from those without a repeat expansion. Samples that are screened positive based on their melt peak profiles are subjected to capillary electrophoresis for repeat sizing and genotype confirmation. These screening assays are robust and provide accurate detection of the repeat expansion while eliminating the need for fluorescent PCR and capillary electrophoresis for every sample.

0 Q&A 1298 Views May 20, 2022

Repeat expansion diseases, including fragile X syndrome, Huntington’s disease, and C9orf72-related motor neuron disease and frontotemporal dementia, are a group of disorders associated with polymorphic expansions of tandem repeat nucleotide sequences. These expansions are highly repetitive and often hundreds to thousands of repeats in length, making accurate identification and determination of repeat length via PCR or sequencing challenging. Here we describe a protocol for monitoring repeat length in Drosophila models carrying 1,000 repeat C9orf72-related dipeptide repeat transgenes using Southern blotting. This protocol has been used regularly to check the length of these lines for over 100 generations with robust and repeatable results and can be implemented for monitoring any repeat expansion in Drosophila.

0 Q&A 2409 Views Feb 20, 2022

Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are highly abundant species and, along their biosynthetic and functional path, they establish interactions with a plethora of proteins. The high number of nucleobase modifications in tRNAs renders conventional RNA quantification approaches unsuitable to study protein-tRNA interactions and their associated functional roles in the cell. We present an immunoprecipitation-based approach to quantify tRNA bound to its interacting protein partner(s). The tRNA-protein complexes are immunoprecipitated from cells or tissues and tRNAs are identified by northern blot and quantified by tRNA-specific fluorescent labeling. The tRNA interacting protein is quantified by an automated western blot and the tRNA amount is presented per unit of the interacting protein. We tested the approach to quantify tRNAGly associated with mutant glycyl-tRNA-synthetase implicated in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. This simple and versatile protocol can be easily adapted to any other tRNA binding proteins.

Graphic abstract:

Figure 1. Schematic of the tRNA-Immunoprecipitation approach.

0 Q&A 1873 Views Dec 5, 2021

To determine the molecular and functional interactions between RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and their targets RNAs, is of fundamental importance to understand the dynamic organization of the nervous system in health and disease. Nevertheless, this task has remained elusive due to the lack of specific protocols and experimental systems that would allow the combination of biochemical analysis with in vivo functional genetics. In this manuscript, we describe a trustworthy and detailed methodology to establish the molecular organization and intracellular function of RBPs/RNA multimeric complexes in a cell type-defined manner by using the powerful GAL4/UAS system for gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster.

Graphic abstract:

Immunoprecipitation for protein-RNA interaction in Drosophila.

0 Q&A 6544 Views Aug 20, 2021

The phenomenon of reversible liquid-liquid phase separation of proteins underlies the formation of membraneless organelles, which are crucial for cellular processes such as signalling and transport. In addition, it is also of great interest to uncover the mechanisms of further irreversible maturation of the functional dense liquid phase into aberrant insoluble assemblies due to its implication in human disease. Recent advances in methods based on atomic force microscopy (AFM) have made it possible to study protein condensates at the nanometer level, providing unprecedented information on the nature of the intermolecular interactions governing phase separation. Here, we provide an in-depth description of a protocol for the characterisation of the morphology, stiffness, and chemical properties of protein condensates using infrared nanospectroscopy (AFM-IR).

0 Q&A 2892 Views Jan 5, 2021

The subretinal layer between retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and photoreceptors is a region involved in inflammation and angiogenesis during the procession of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration. The current protocols of whole mounts (retina and RPE) are unable to address the intact view of the subretinal layer because the separation between retina and RPE is required, and each separate tissue is then stained. Non-separate Sclerochoroid/RPE/Retina whole mount staining was recently developed and reported. The method can be further combined and optimized with melanin bleaching and tissue clearing. Here, we describe steps of both non-pigmented and pigmented mouse Sclerochoroid/RPE/Retina whole mount including eyeball preparation, staining, mounting and confocal scanning. In addition, we present the confocal images of RPE, subretinal microglia and the neighboring photoreceptors in Sclerochoroid/RPE/Retina whole mounts.

0 Q&A 3952 Views Dec 5, 2020

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) has long been associated with accumulation of extracellular amyloid plaques (Aβ) originating from the Amyloid Precursor Protein. Plaques have, however, been discovered in healthy individuals and not all AD brains show plaques, suggesting that extracellular Aβ aggregates may play a smaller role than anticipated. One limitation to studying Aβ peptide in vivo during disease progression is the inability to induce aggregation in a controlled manner. We developed an optogenetic method to induce Aβ aggregation and tested its biological influence in three model organisms–D. melanogaster, C. elegans and D. rerio. We generated a fluorescently labeled, optogenetic Aβ peptide that oligomerizes rapidly in vivo in the presence of blue light in all organisms. Here, we detail the procedures for expressing this fusion protein in animal models, investigating the effects on the nervous system using time lapse light-sheet microscopy, and performing metabolic assays to measure changes due to intracellular Aβ aggregation. This method, employing optogenetics to study the pathology of AD, allows spatial and temporal control in vivo that cannot be achieved by any other method at present.

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