Katherine M Holleran
  • Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, United States, United States,
Research fields
  • Neuroscience
Personal information


PhD, Vanderbilt University, United States, 2016

Current position

Postdoctoral Fellow, Physiology & Pharmacology, Wake Forest Baptist Health, United States


  1. Mauterer, M. I., Estave, P. M., Holleran, K. M. and Jones, S. R. (2018). Measurement of dopamine using fast scan cyclic voltammetry in rodent brain slices. (Unpublished)
  2. Siciliano, C. A., Karkhanis, A. N., Holleran, K. M., Melchior, J. R. and Jones, S. R. (2018). Cross-Species Alterations in Synaptic Dopamine Regulation After Chronic Alcohol Exposure. Handb Exp Pharmacol.

  3. Wills, T. A., Baucum, A. J., 2nd, Holleran, K. M., Chen, Y., Pasek, J. G., Delpire, E., Tabb, D. L., Colbran, R. J. and Winder, D. G. (2017). Chronic intermittent alcohol disrupts the GluN2B-associated proteome and specifically regulates group I mGlu receptor-dependent long-term depression. Addict Biol 22(2): 275-290. 

  4. Karkhanis, A., Holleran, K. M. and Jones, S. R. (2017). Dynorphin/Kappa Opioid Receptor Signaling in Preclinical Models of Alcohol, Drug, and Food Addiction. Int Rev Neurobiol. 136: 53-88.

  5. Holleran, K. M. and Winder, D. G. (2017). Preclinical voluntary drinking models for alcohol abstinence-induced affective disturbances in mice. Genes Brain Behav 16(1): 8-14. 

  6. Holleran, K. M., Wilson, H. H., Fetterly, T. L., Bluett, R. J., Centanni, S. W., Gilfarb, R. A., Rocco, L. E., Patel, S. and Winder, D. G. (2016). Ketamine and MAG Lipase Inhibitor-Dependent Reversal of Evolving Depressive-Like Behavior During Forced Abstinence From Alcohol Drinking. Neuropsychopharmacology 41(8): 2062-2071. 

  7. Louderback, K. M., Wills, T. A., Muglia, L. J. and Winder, D. G. (2013). Knockdown of BNST GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors mimics the actions of ketamine on novelty-induced hypophagia. Transl Psychiatry 3: e331. 

  8. Conrad, K. L., Louderback, K. M., Milano, E. J. and Winder, D. G. (2013). Assessment of the impact of pattern of cocaine dosing schedule during conditioning and reconditioning on magnitude of cocaine CPP, extinction, and reinstatement. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 227(1): 109-116. 

  9. Conrad, K. L., Louderback, K. M., Gessner, C. P. and Winder, D. G. (2011). Stress-induced alterations in anxiety-like behavior and adaptations in plasticity in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Physiol Behav 104(2): 248-256. 

  10. English, B. A., Appalsamy, M., Diedrich, A., Ruggiero, A. M., Lund, D., Wright, J., Keller, N. R., Louderback, K. M., Robertson, D. and Blakely, R. D. (2010). Tachycardia, reduced vagal capacity, and age-dependent ventricular dysfunction arising from diminished expression of the presynaptic choline transporter. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 299(3): H799-810. 

  11. Louderback, K. M., Glass, C. S., Shamalla-Hannah, L., Erickson, S. L. and Land, P. W. (2006). Subbarrel patterns of thalamocortical innervation in rat somatosensory cortical barrels: Organization and postnatal development. J Comp Neurol 497(1): 32-41. 

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