Ph.D of Genetics & Biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, 1985
Current position
Full professor at Department of Agronomy, Biotechnical Facullty, Centre for Genetic, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Publications (since 2013)
Song, Y., Zhang, Z., Seidl, M. F., Majer, A., Jakse, J., Javornik, B. and Thomma, B. P. (2017). Broad taxonomic characterization of Verticillium wilt resistance genes reveals an ancient origin of the tomato Ve1 immune receptor. Mol Plant Pathol 18(2): 195-209.
Mishra, A. K., Duraisamy, G. S., Matousek, J., Radisek, S., Javornik, B. and Jakse, J. (2016). Identification and characterization of microRNAs in Humulus lupulus using high-throughput sequencing and their response to Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) infection. BMC Genomics 17(1): 919.
Knap, T., Jakše, J., Cregeen, S., Javornik, B., Hladnik, M. and Bandelj, D. (2016). Characterization and defining of a core set of novel microsatellite markers for use in genotyping and diversity study of Adriatic fig (Ficus carica L.) germplasm. Brazilian J Botany 39(4): 1095-1102.
Gucek, T., Štajner, N., Jakše, J., Javornik, B. and Radišek, S. (2016). Optimization of detection of hop latent viroid (HLVd) with real time RT-PCR. Hmeljarski bilten 23: 27-40.
Darja, O., Stanislav, M., Sasa, S., Andrej, F., Lea, B. and Branka, J. (2016). Responses of CHO cell lines to increased pCO2 at normal (37 degrees C) and reduced (33 degrees C) culture temperatures. J Biotechnol 219: 98-109.
Flajsman, M., Mandelc, S., Radisek, S., Stajner, N., Jakse, J., Kosmelj, K. and Javornik, B. (2016). Identification of Novel Virulence-Associated Proteins Secreted to Xylem by Verticillium nonalfalfae During Colonization of Hop Plants. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 29(5): 362-373.
Kolenc, Z., Vodnik, D., Mandelc, S., Javornik, B., Kastelec, D. and Cerenak, A. (2016). Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) response mechanisms in drought stress: Proteomic analysis with physiology. Plant Physiol Biochem 105: 67-78.
Jelen, V., de Jonge, R., Van de Peer, Y., Javornik, B. and Jakse, J. (2016). Complete mitochondrial genome of the Verticillium-wilt causing plant pathogen Verticillium nonalfalfae. PLoS One 11(2): e0148525.
Cregeen, S., Radisek, S., Mandelc, S., Turk, B., Stajner, N., Jakse, J. and Javornik, B. (2015). Different Gene Expressions of Resistant and Susceptible Hop Cultivars in Response to Infection with a Highly Aggressive Strain of Verticillium albo-atrum. Plant Mol Biol Report 33(3): 689-704.
Jakse, J., Radisek, S., Pokorn, T., Matousek, J. and Javornik, B. (2015). Deep-sequencing revealed Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) as a highly aggressive pathogen on hop. Plant Pathol 64(4): 831-842.
Mandelc, S. and Javornik, B. (2015). The secretome of vascular wilt pathogen Verticillium albo-atrum in simulated xylem fluid. Proteomics 15(4): 787-797.
Štajner, N., Tomić, L., Progar, V., Pokorn, T., Lacombe, T., Laucou, V., Boursiquot, J. M., Javornik, B. and Bacilieri, R. (2015). Genetic clustering and parentage analysis of Western Balkan grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Vitis 54: 67-72.
Rusjan, D., Bubola, M., Janjanin, D., Užila, Z., Radeka, S., Poljuha, D., Pelengić, R., Javornik, B. and Štajner, N. (2015). Ampelographic characterisation of grapevine accessions denominated 'Refošk', 'Refosco', 'Teran' and 'Terrano' (Vitis vinifera L.) from Slovenia, Croatia and Italy. Vitis 54: 77-80.
Rusjan, D., Pelengić, R., Pipan, B., Or, E., Javornik, B. and Štajner, N. (2015). Israeli germplasm: phenotyping and genotyping of native grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Vitis 54: 87-89.
Majer, A., Javornik, B., Čerenak, A. and Jakše, J. (2014). Development of novel EST-derived resistance gene markers in hop (Humulus lupulus L.). Mol breeding 33(1): 61-74.
McAdam, E. L., Freeman, J. S., Whittock, S. P., Buck, E. J., Jakse, J., Cerenak, A., Javornik, B., Kilian, A., Wang, C. H., Andersen, D., Vaillancourt, R. E., Carling, J., Beatson, R., Graham, L., Graham, D., Darby, P. and Koutoulis, A. (2013). Quantitative trait loci in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) reveal complex genetic architecture underlying variation in sex, yield and cone chemistry. BMC Genomics 14: 360.
Rešetič, T., Štajner, N., Bandelj, D., Javornik, B. and Jakše, J. (2013). Validation of candidate reference genes in RT-qPCR studies of developing olive fruit and expression analysis of four genes involved in fatty acids metabolism. Mol breeding 32(1): 211-222.
Mandelc, S., Timperman, I., Radisek, S., Devreese, B., Samyn, B. and Javornik, B. (2013). Comparative proteomic profiling in compatible and incompatible interactions between hop roots and Verticillium albo-atrum. Plant Physiol Biochem 68: 23-31.
Stajner, N., Cregeen, S. and Javornik, B. (2013). Evaluation of reference genes for RT-qPCR expression studies in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) during infection with vascular pathogen verticillium albo-atrum. PLoS One 8(7): e68228.
Jakse, J., Cerenak, A., Radisek, S., Satovic, Z., Luthar, Z. and Javornik, B. (2013). Identification of quantitative trait loci for resistance to Verticillium wilt and yield parameters in hop (Humulus lupulus L.). Theor Appl Genet 126(6): 1431-1443.
Štajner, N., Tomić, L., Ivanišević, D., Korać, N., Jovanović Cvetković, T., Beleski, K., Angelova, E., Maraš, V. and Javornik, B. (2013). Microsatellite inferred genetic diversity and structure of Western Balkan grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Tree genet genomes 10(1): 127-140.