Carmen Bianco
  • Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Via P. Castellino 111, Italy
Research fields
  • Microbiology
Personal information


Ph.D, Università Federico II di Napoli, Italy, 2001

Current position

Researcher, IBBR, CNR, Italy


  1. Defez, R., Esposito, R., Angelini, C. and Bianco, C. (2016). Overproduction of Indole-3-Acetic Acid in Free-Living Rhizobia Induces Transcriptional Changes Resembling Those Occurring in Nodule Bacteroids. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 29(6): 484-495.
  2. Mita, R. L., Grumiro, L., Rossi, S., Bianco, C., Defez, R., Gallo, P., Mita, D. G. and Diano, N. (2015). Bisphenol A removal by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa immobilized on granular activated carbon and operating in a fluidized bed reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials 291: 129-135.
  3. Germanà, M. A., Micheli, M., Chiancone, B., Bianco, C., Casales, F. G. and Defez, R. (2015). Biotization of encapsulated vitro-derived propagules of Carrizo citrange. Article in Acta horticulturae.
  4. Bianco, C., Senatore, B., Arbucci, S., Pieraccini, G. and Defez, R. (2014). Modulation of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis in bacteroids within Medicago sativa nodules. Appl Environ Microbiol 80(14): 4286-4293.
  5. Bianco, C. and Defez, R. (2011). Soil Bacteria Support and Protect Plants Against Abiotic Stresses. In: Shanker, A. and Venkateswarlu, B. (eds.). Abiotic Stress in Plants - Mechanisms and Adaptations.
  6. Bianco, C., Rotino, G. L., Campion, B., Anas, I. and Defez, R. (2010). How to improve legume production under severe environmental stresses. Journal of Biotechnology 150: 119-119.
  7. Bianco, C. and Defez, R. (2010). Auxins upregulate nif and fix genes. Plant Signal Behav 5(10): 1290-1294.
  8. Bianco, C. and Defez, R. (2010). Improvement of phosphate solubilization and Medicago plant yield by an indole-3-acetic acid-overproducing strain of Sinorhizobium meliloti. Appl Environ Microbiol 76: 4626-4632.
  9. Bianco, C., Imperlini, E. and Defez, R. (2009). Legumes like more IAA. Plant Signal Behav 4(8): 763-765.
  10. Bianco, C. and Defez, R. (2009). Medicago truncatula improves salt tolerance when nodulated by an indole-3-acetic acid-overproducing Sinorhizobium meliloti strain. J Exp Bot 60(11): 3097-3107.
  11. Imperlini, E., Bianco, C., Lonardo, E., Camerini, S., Cermola, M., Moschetti, G. and Defez, R. (2009). Effects of indole-3-acetic acid on Sinorhizobium meliloti survival and on symbiotic nitrogen fixation and stem dry weight production. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 83(4): 727-738.
  12. Camerini, S., Senatore, B., Lonardo, E., Imperlini, E., Bianco, C., Moschetti, G., Rotino, G. L., Campion, B. and Defez, R. (2008). Introduction of a novel pathway for IAA biosynthesis to rhizobia alters vetch root nodule development. Arch Microbiol 190(1): 67-77.
  13. Bianco, C., Imperlini, E., Calogero, R., Senatore, B., Amoresano, A., Carpentieri, A., Pucci, P. and Defez, R. (2006). Indole-3-acetic acid improves Escherichia coli's defences to stress. Arch Microbiol 185(5): 373-382.
  14. Bianco, C., Imperlini, E., Calogero, R., Senatore, B., Pucci, P. and Defez, R. (2006). Indole-3-acetic acid regulates the central metabolic pathways in Escherichia coli. Microbiology 152(Pt 8): 2421-2431.
  15. Palmieri, G. and Bianco, C., Cennamo, G., Giardina, P., Marino, G., Delmonte, M. and Sannia, G. (2001). Purification, characterization and functional role of a novel extracellular protease from Pleurotus ostreatus. Appl Environ Microbiol 67 (6): 2754-2759.
  16. Garzillo, A. M., Colao, M. C., Buonocore, V., Oliva, R., Falcigno, L., Saviano, M., Santoro, A. M., Zappala, R., Bonomo, R. P., Bianco, C., Giardina, P., Palmieri, G. and Sannia, G. (2001). Structural and kinetic characterization of native laccases from Pleurotus ostreatus, Rigidoporus lignosus, and Trametes trogii. J Protein Chem 20(3): 191-201.
  17. Palmieri, G., Giardina, P., Bianco, C., Fontanella, B. and Sannia, G. (2000). Copper induction of laccase isoenzymes in the ligninolytic fungus Pleurotus ostreatus. Appl Environ Microbiol 66(3): 920-924.
  18. Palmieri, G., Giardina, P., Bianco, C., Scaloni, A., Capasso, A. and Sannia, G. (1997). A novel white laccase from Pleurotus ostreatus. J Biol Chem 272: 31301-31307.
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