Nadine Ravel
  • Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon, Université de Lyon, France
Research fields
  • Neuroscience
Personal information


Ph.D. in Neuroscience, University Claude Bernard-Lyon1, France

Current position

Researcher at CNRS, Lyon Center for research in Neuroscience, University Lyon 1, CNRS UMR5292- INSERM U1028, France
Director of the team: Olfaction: from coding to memory (CMO)


  1. Veyrac, A., Allerborn, M., Gros, A., Michon, F., Raguet, L., Kenney, J., Godinot, F., Thevenet, M., Garcia, S., Messaoudi, B., Laroche, S. and Ravel, N. (2015). Memory of occasional events in rats: individual episodic memory profiles, flexibility, and neural substrate. J Neurosci 35(19): 7575-7586.
  2. Torquet, N., Aime, P., Messaoudi, B., Garcia, S., Ey, E., Gervais, R., Julliard, A. K. and Ravel, N. (2014). Olfactory preference conditioning changes the reward value of reinforced and non-reinforced odors. Front Behav Neurosci 8: 229.
  3. Martin, C. and Ravel, N. (2014). Beta and gamma oscillatory activities associated with olfactory memory tasks: different rhythms for different functional networks? Front Behav Neurosci 8: 218.
  4. Saive, A. L., Ravel, N., Thevenet, M., Royet, J. P. and Plailly, J. (2013). A novel experimental approach to episodic memory in humans based on the privileged access of odors to memories. J Neurosci Methods 213(1): 22-31.
  5. Chapuis, J., Garcia, S., Messaoudi, B., Thevenet, M., Ferreira, G., Gervais, R. and Ravel, N. (2009). The way an odor is experienced during aversive conditioning determines the extent of the network recruited during retrieval: a multisite electrophysiological study in rats. J Neurosci 29(33): 10287-10298.
  6. Desgranges, B., Sevelinges, Y., Bonnefond, M., Levy, F., Ravel, N. and Ferreira, G. (2009). Critical role of insular cortex in taste but not odour aversion memory. Eur J Neurosci 29(8): 1654-1662.
  7. Chapuis, J., Messaoudi, B., Ferreira, G. and Ravel, N. (2007). Importance of retronasal and orthonasal olfaction for odor aversion memory in rats. Behav Neurosci 121(6): 1383-1392.
  8. Martin, C., Grenier, D., Thevenet, M., Vigouroux, M., Bertrand, B., Janier, M., Ravel, N. and Litaudon, P. (2007). fMRI visualization of transient activations in the rat olfactory bulb using short odor stimulations. Neuroimage 36(4): 1288-1293.
  9. Martin, C., Gervais, R., Chabaud, P., Messaoudi, B. and Ravel, N. (2004). Learning-induced modulation of oscillatory activities in the mammalian olfactory system: the role of the centrifugal fibres. J Physiol Paris 98(4-6): 467-478.
  10. Martin, C., Gervais, R., Hugues, E., Messaoudi, B. and Ravel, N. (2004). Learning modulation of odor-induced oscillatory responses in the rat olfactory bulb: a correlate of odor recognition? J Neurosci 24(2): 389-397.
  11. Martin, C., Gervais, R., Chabaud, P., Messaoudi, B. and Ravel, N. (2004). Learning-induced modulation of oscillatory activities in the mammalian olfactory system: the role of the centrifugal fibres. J Physiol Paris 98(4-6): 467-478.
  12. Ravel, N., Chabaud, P., Martin, C., Gaveau, V., Hugues, E., Tallon-Baudry, C., Bertrand, O. and Gervais, R. (2003). Olfactory learning modifies the expression of odour-induced oscillatory responses in the gamma (60-90 Hz) and beta (15-40 Hz) bands in the rat olfactory bulb. Eur J Neurosci 17(2): 350-358.
  13. Chabaud, P., Ravel, N., Wilson, D. A., Mouly, A. M., Vigouroux, M., Farget, V. and Gervais, R. (2000). Exposure to behaviourally relevant odour reveals differential characteristics in rat central olfactory pathways as studied through oscillatory activities. Chem Senses 25(5): 561-573.
  14. Chabaud, P., Ravel, N., Wilson, D. A. and Gervais, R. (1999). Functional coupling in rat central olfactory pathways: a coherence analysis. Neurosci Lett 276(1): 17-20.
  15. Ravel, N., Elaagouby, A. and Gervais, R. (1994). Scopolamine injection into the olfactory bulb impairs short-term olfactory memory in rats. Behav Neurosci 108(2): 317-324.
  16. Ravel, N., Vigouroux, M., Elaagouby, A. and Gervais, R. (1992). Scopolamine impairs delayed matching in an olfactory task in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 109(4): 439-443.
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