  • Post-Doc, 北京生命科学研究所
Research fields
  • Stem cell
Personal information


Ph.D, Beijing Normal universitiy, 2019

Lab information

Rongwen Xi lab,
national institute of biological sciences, beijing

Research focus

Drosophila intestine, stem cells, cancer, single cell


Guo, X.#, Lv, Ji. #, Xi, R.* (2021). The Specification and Function of Enteroendocrine Cells in Drosophila and Mammals: A Comparative Review. FEBS Journal, https:// 10.1111/ febs. 16067.

Xingting Guo; Huanwei Huang; Ziqing Yang; Tao Cai; Rongwen Xi*; Division of Labor: Roles of Groucho and CtBP in Notch-Mediated Lateral Inhibition that Controls Intestinal Stem Cell Differentiation in Drosophila , Stem Cell Reports, 2019, 12(5): 1007-1023.

Xingting Guo#; Chang Yin#; Fu Yang#; Yongchao Zhang#; Huanwei Huang; Jiawen Wang; Bowen Deng; Tao Cai; Yi Rao; Rongwen Xi*; The Cellular Diversity and Transcription Factor Code of Drosophila Enteroendocrine Cells , Cell Reports, 2019, 29(12): 4172-4185.e5.

Zhaohui Li#; Xingting Guo#; Huanwei Huang#; Chenhui Wang; Fu Yang; Yongchao Zhang; Jiawen Wang; Lu Han; Zhen Jin; Tao Cai; Rongwen Xi*; A Switch in Tissue Stem Cell Identity Causes Neuroendocrine Tumors in Drosophila Gut , Cell Reports, 2020, 30(6): 1724-1734.e4.

Wang Chenhui; Guo Xingting; Dou Kun; Chen Hongyan; Xi Rongwen*; Ttk69 acts as a master repressor of enteroendocrine cell specification in
Drosophila intestinal stem cell lineages., Development (Cambridge, England), 2015, 142(19): 3321-31.

Chenhui Wang; Xingting Guo; Rongwen Xi*; EGFR and Notch signaling respectively regulate proliferative activity and multiple cell lineage differentiation of Drosophila gastric stem cells, Cell Research, 2014, 24(220): 610-627.
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