Unai Silvan
  • Research Assistant, Biomaterials BCMaterials, Basque Centre for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures
Research fields
  • Cell biology
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PhD, University of the Basque Country, 2008


Last 10 years:

Schoenenberger AD, Tempfer H, Lehner C, Egloff J, Mauracher M, Bird A, Widmer J, Maniura K, Fucentese SF, Traweger A, Silvan U, Snedeker JG. (2020). "Macromechanics and polycaprolactone fiber organization drive macrophage polarization and regulate inflammatory activation of tendon in vitro and in vivo". (Biomaterials).

Parigoris E, Dunkelmann DL, Dumrese C, Kaech A, Dumrese C, Jimenez-Rojo N, and Silvan U. (2020). "Facile generation of giant unilamellar vesicles using polyacrylamide gels". (Scientific Reports).

Wunderli S, Blache U, Beretta Piccoli A, Niederost B, Blache U, Silvan U, Bundgaard L, Auf dem Keller U, Snedeker JG. (2020). "Tendon degeneration after physical unloading heavily depends on the patho-physiological niche". (Matrix Biology).

Horvath AN, Holenstein CN, Silvan U, and Snedeker JG. (2019). "The protein mat(ters) - revealing biologically relevant mechanical contribution of collagen and fibronectin coated micropatterns". ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11:41791-41798.

Müller DA and Silvan U. (2019). "On the biomechanical properties of osteosarcoma cells and their environment". International Journal of Developmental Biology 63:1-8.

Holenstein CN, Horvath A, Schär B, Schoenenberger AD, Bollhalder M, Goedecke N, Bartalena G, Otto O, Herbig M, Guck J, Müller DA, Snedeker JG, and Silvan U. (2019). "Force direction matters: the relationship between metastatic potential and in vitro mechanical properties of osteosarcoma cells". Molecular Biology of the Cell 30:887-898.

Arlt MJ, Kuzmanov A, Snedeker JG , Fuchs B , Silvan U, and Sabile AA. (2019). "Fascin-1 enhances experimental osteosarcoma tumour formation and metastasis and is related to poor patient outcome". BMC Cancer 19:83.

Razafiarison T, Holenstein CN, Stauber T, Jovic M, Vertudes E, Loparic M, Kawecki M, Bernard L, Silvan U, and Snedeker JG. (2018). "Surface energy-driven ligand topography directs stem cell mechanosensitivity". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115: 4631-4636.

Wunderli S, Widmer J, Amrein N, Foolen J, Silvan U, Leupin O, and Snedeker JG. (2018). "Minimal mechanical loading protects tendon explants from the acquisition of tendinopathic features – A novel ex vivo mouse explant model". Journal of Orthopedics, 36: 1383-1390.

Schoenenberger A, Foolen J, Moor P, Silvan U, and Snedeker JG. (2018). "Substrate fiber alignment mediates tendon cell response to inflammatory signaling". Acta Biomaterialia, 71: 306–317.

Holenstein C, Silvan U, and Snedeker JG. (2017). "High-resolution traction force microscopy on small focal adhesions - improved accuracy through optimal marker distribution and optical flow tracking". Scientific Reports, 7:41633.

Lang AE, Qu Z, Schwan C, Silvan U, Schoenenberger CA, Aktories K, and Mannherz HG. (2017). "Actin ADP-ribosylation at Threonine148 by Photorhabdus luminescens toxin TccC3 induces aggregation of intracellular F-actin". Cellular Microbiology, e12636.

Gautieri A, Passini F, Silvan U, Guizar-Sicairos M, Carimati G, Volpi P, Moretti M, Redaelli A, Berli M, and Snedeker JG. (2016). "Advanced glycation end-products: mechanics of aged collagen from molecule to tissue". Matrix Biology, 59: 95-108.

Silvan U, Hyötylä J, Mannherz HG, Ringler P, Müller SA, Aebi U, Maier T, and Schoenenberger CA. (2016). "Contributions of the lower dimer to supramolecular actin patterning revealed by TIRF microscopy". Journal of Structural Biology, 195: 159-166.

Razafiarison T, Silvan U, Meier D, and Snedeker JG. (2016). "Surface driven collagen self-assembly affects early osteogenic stem cell signaling". Advanced Healthcare Materials, 5: 1481-1492.

Moreno P, Arluzea J, Silvan U, Díez-Torre A, Andrade R, Bonilla Z, Díaz-Núñez M, Silió M, and Aréchaga J. (2016). "Testis peritubular myoid cells (PTCs) increase their motility and express MMP-9 after interaction with embryonal carcinoma cells". Andrology, 4: 111-120.

Goedecke N, Bollhalder M, Bernet R, Silvan U, and Snedeker J. (2015). "Easy and Accurate Mechano-Profiling on Micropost Arrays". Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), 105: e53350.

Qu Z, Silvan U, Jockusch BM, Aebi U, Schoenenberger CA, and Mannherz HG. (2015). "Distinct actin oligomers modulate differently the activity of actin nucleators". FEBS Journal, 282: 3824-3840.

Silvan U, Díez-Torre A, Bonilla Z, Moreno P, Díaz-Núñez M, and Aréchaga J. (2015). "Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in non-seminomatous testicular germ cell tumors". Urologic Oncology, 33: 268.e17-268.e28.

Al Haj A , Mazur AJ, Buchmeier S, App C, Theiss C, Silvan U, Schoenenberger CA, Jockusch BM, Hannappel E, Weeds AG, and Mannherz HG. (2014). "Thymosin beta4 inhibits ADF/cofilin stimulated F-actin cycling and HeLa cell migration: Reversal by active Arp2/3 complex". Cytoskeleton (Hoboken), 71: 95-107.

Blache U, Silvan U, Plodinec M, Sutterlin R, Klebba I, Bentires-Alj M, Aebi U, and Schoenenberger CA. (2013). "A tumorigenic actin mutant alters fibroblast morphology and multicellular assembly properties". Cytoskeleton (Hoboken), 70: 635-650.

Díez-Torre A, Díaz-Núñez M, Eguizabal C, Silvan U, and Aréchaga J. (2013). "Evidence for a role of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in primordial germ cell migration". Andrology, 1: 779-786.

Silvan U, Diez-Torre A, Moreno P, Arluzea J, Andrade R, Silió M, and Aréchaga J. (2013). "The spermatogonial stem cell niche in testicular germ cell tumors". International Journal of Developmental Biology, 57: 185-195.

Schönichen A, Mannherz HG, Behrmann E, Mazur AJ, Kühn S, Silvan U, Schoenenberger CA, Fackler OT, Raunser S, Dehmelt L, Geyer M. (2013). "FHOD1 is a combined actin filament capping and bundling factor that selectively associates with actin arcs and stress fibers". Journal of Cell Science, 216: 1891-1901.

Silvan U and Aréchaga J. (2012). "Anatomical basis for cell transplantation into mouse seminiferous tubules". Reproduction, 144: 385-392.

Silvan U, Boiteux C, Sütterlin R, Schroeder U, Mannherz HG, Jockusch BM, Bernèche S, Aebi U, and Schoenenberger CA. (2012). "An antiparallel actin dimer is associated with the endocytic pathway in mammalian cells". Journal of Structural Biology, 177: 70-80.

Díez-Torre A, Silvan U, Moreno P, Gumucio J, and Aréchaga J. (2011). "Peritubular myoid cell-derived factors and its potential role in the progression of testicular germ cell tumours". International Journal of Andrology, 34: e252–e265.

Silvan U, Díez-Torre A, Andrade R, Arlucea J, Silió M, and Aréchaga J. (2011). "Embryonic stem cell transplantation into seminiferous tubules: A model for the study of invasive germ cell tumors of the testis". Cell Transplantation, 20: 637-642.

Díez-Torre A, Silvan U, Díaz-Núñez M, and Aréchaga J. (2010). "Role of microenvironment in testicular germ cell tumors". Cancer Biology & Therapy, 10: 529-553.

Silvan U, Díez-Torre A, Jiménez-Rojo L, and Aréchaga J. (2010). "Vascularization of testicular germ cell tumors: Evidence from experimental teratocarcinomas". International Journal of Andrology, 33:765-774.
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