Eduardo M Vadillo
  • Associate Research Scientist., Oncology Research Unit. , Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Research fields
  • Cancer biology
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Ph.D., ENCB-IPN, Mexico, 2014


• Margraf A, Cappenberg A, Vadillo E, Ludwig N, Thomas K, Körner K, Zondler L, … Zarbock A. (2020). ArhGAP15, a RacGAP, Acts as a Temporal Signaling Regulator of Mac-1 Affinity in Sterile Inflammation. J Immunol. 1;205(5):1365-1375.
• Girón D, Vadillo E, Schnoor M, Santos-Argumedo L. (2020) Myo1e modulates the recruitment of B cells to inguinal lymph nodes. J Cell Sci. Mar 2;133(5)
• Vadillo E, Chanez-Paredes S, Vargas-Robles H, Guerrero-Fonseca IM, CastellanosMartínez R, Garcia-Ponce A, Nava P,…Schnoor M. (2019) Intermittent Rolling Is a Defect of the Extravasation Cascade Caused by Myosin1e-deficiency in Neutrophils. PNAS. 116(52), 26752-26758.
• Espinoza-Sánchez NA, Vadillo E, Balandrán JC, Monroy-García A, Pelayo R, FuentesPananá EM. (2017) Evidence of lateral transmission of aggressive features between different types of breast cancer cells. Int J Oncol. 2017 51(5), 1482-1496.
• Balandran, J.C*., Vadillo, E*., Dozal*, D., Reyes-Lopez, A., Sandoval-Cabrera, A., LaffontOrtiz, M.D., . . . Pelayo, R. (2016) Analysis of Normal Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Contents in Childhood Acute Leukemia Bone Marrow. Arch Med Res 47, 629-643. *Equal contribution
• Ramirez-Ramirez, D., Vadillo, E., Arriaga-Pizano, L.A., Mayani, H., Estrada-Parra, S., Velasco-Velazquez, M.A., . . . Pelayo, R. (2016) Early Differentiation of Human CD11c+NK Cells with gammadelta T Cell Activation Properties Is Promoted by Dialyzable Leukocyte Extracts. Journal of immunology research 2016, 4097642.
• Vilchis-Ordonez, A., Contreras-Quiroz, A., Vadillo, E., Dorantes-Acosta, E., Reyes-Lopez, A., Quintela-Nunez del Prado, H.M., . . . Pelayo, R. (2015) Bone Marrow Cells in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Create a Proinflammatory Microenvironment Influencing Normal Hematopoietic Differentiation Fates. Biomed Res Int 2015, 386165.
• Vadillo, E., Dorantes-Acosta, E., Arriaga-Pizano, L., Chavez-Gonzalez, A., ReyesMaldonado, E., Garrett, K.P., . . . Pelayo, R. (2014) Adult, but not neonatal, human lymphoid progenitors respond to TLR9 ligation by producing functional NK-like cells. Exp Hematol 42, 562-573 e563.
• Dorantes-Acosta, E*., Vadillo, E*., Contreras-Quiroz, A., Balandran, J.C., Arriaga-Pizano, L., Purizaca, J., . . . Pelayo, R. (2013) TLR stimulation of bone marrow lymphoid precursors from childhood acute leukemia modifies their differentiation potentials. Biomed Res Int 2013, 846724. *Equal contribution
• Purizaca, J., Contreras-Quiroz, A., Dorantes-Acosta, E., Vadillo, E., Arriaga-Pizano, L., Fuentes-Figueroa, S., . . . Pelayo, R. (2013) Lymphoid progenitor cells from childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia are functionally deficient and express high levels of the transcriptional repressor Gfi-1. Clinical & developmental immunology 2013, 349067.
• Sanchez, D., Pelayo, R., Medina, L.A., Vadillo, E., Sanchez, R., Nunez, L., . . . SarmientoSilva, R.E. (2015) Newcastle Disease Virus: Potential Therapeutic Application for Human and Canine Lymphoma. Viruses 8.
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