Editorial Process
At Bio-protocol, the majority of our protocols are commissioned by our Associate Editors, who are established and active scientists. Each month they recommend protocols from recently published research articles in their research fields. Authors are then invited to contribute detailed versions of their protocols. The Associate Editor who recommended the protocol leads the
Peer Review Process and renders the editorial decision, subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Please see
Submission Procedure for details.
We also welcome protocols tied to research articles published by our collaborating journals. Editors from these journals encourage their authors to submit protocols to Bio-protocol, using a submission page developed for this purpose. These papers are then assigned to the Associate Editor with the most relevant expertise, who determines whether the protocol is appropriate for consideration by Bio-protocol and, if so, leads the
Peer Review Process and renders the editorial decision, subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Bio-protocol and our collaborating journal editors also co-invite authors to submit protocols that they agree are appropriate for consideration.
Presubmission inquiries from researchers interested in submitting an article to Bio-protocol are reviewed by an Associate Editor with relevant expertise, who responds within three working days of submission. If the protocol is considered appropriate to consider, the Associate Editor who responded to the presubmission inquiry will lead the Peer Review Process and render the editorial decision, subject to approval of the Editor-in-Chief.
Note that prior to peer review, each submission draft undergoes a quality control assessment by the Bio-protocol editing team to ensure that submissions meet our
Protocol Preparation Guidelines. Authors might be contacted for further details if additional information is needed.