Phd Candidate, Umass Chan Medical School, 2023
Lab information
I am currently a PhD student in Mitchell-lab at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School. I received my B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Genetics at the Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey. I pursued my master’s degree in Life and Medical Sciences Institute at University of Bonn, Germany as a German Academic Exchange Service scholarship holder. There, I got expertise in genome engineering of immune cells using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Joining the PhD program at Umass Medical School, I wanted to challenge myself and explore a completely new field of research. I was fascinated by the research conducted at the Systems Biology Program and joined Dr. Amir Mitchell’s lab. My thesis here focuses on evolution of tumor bacteria against human targeted drugs. I am also the experimental co-lead in Mitchell Lab’s STEM outreach project: “Emergence of a Superbug” in collaboration with the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.After my graduation, I would like to work as a Research Scientist at Biotech.
Research focus
host microbiome and drug interactions