Xiaojia Ge
  • Cell & Molecular Biology Group, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS), Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
  • Stem cell


Ph.D. in Biological Science; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2012

Current Position

Research Fellow in Singapore Institute of Clinical Science (SICS), Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore


  1. Ge, X., Sathiakumar, D., Lua, B. J., Kukreti, H., Lee, M. and McFarlane, C. (2016). Myostatin signals through miR-34a to regulate Fndc5 expression and browning of white adipocytes. Int J Obes (Lond).
  2. Chandrashekar, P., Manickam, R., Ge, X., Bonala, S., McFarlane, C., Sharma, M., Wahli, W. and Kambadur, R. (2015). Inactivation of PPARbeta/delta adversely affects satellite cells and reduces postnatal myogenesis. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 309(2): E122-131.
  3. McFarlane, C., Vajjala, A., Arigela, H., Lokireddy, S., Ge, X., Bonala, S., Manickam, R., Kambadur, R. and Sharma, M. (2014). Negative auto-regulation of myostatin expression is mediated by Smad3 and microRNA-27. PLoS One 9(1): e87687.
  4. Sriram, S., Subramanian, S., Juvvuna, P. K., Ge, X., Lokireddy, S., McFarlane, C. D., Wahli, W., Kambadur, R. and Sharma, M. (2014). Myostatin augments muscle-specific ring finger protein-1 expression through an NF-kB independent mechanism in SMAD3 null muscle. Mol Endocrinol 28(3): 317-330.
  5. Ge, X., Vajjala, A., McFarlane, C., Wahli, W., Sharma, M. and Kambadur, R. (2012). Lack of Smad3 signaling leads to impaired skeletal muscle regeneration. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 303(1): E90-102.
  6. Ge, X., McFarlane, C., Vajjala, A., Lokireddy, S., Ng, Z. H., Tan, C. K., Tan, N. S., Wahli, W., Sharma, M. and Kambadur, R. (2011). Smad3 signaling is required for satellite cell function and myogenic differentiation of myoblasts. Cell Res 21(11): 1591-1604.
  7. Zhang, C., McFarlane, C., Lokireddy, S., Bonala, S., Ge, X., Masuda, S., Gluckman, P. D., Sharma, M. and Kambadur, R. (2011). Myostatin-deficient mice exhibit reduced insulin resistance through activating the AMP-activated protein kinase signalling pathway. Diabetologia 54(6): 1491-1501.
  8. McFarlane, C., Hui, G. Z., Amanda, W. Z., Lau, H. Y., Lokireddy, S., Xiaojia, G., Mouly, V., Butler-Browne, G., Gluckman, P. D., Sharma, M. and Kambadur, R. (2011). Human myostatin negatively regulates human myoblast growth and differentiation. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 301(1): C195-203.