Denisa Jansova
  • Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, ASCR, Czech Republic
  • Cell biology


M.S., Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2013

Current position

Ph.D. student at the Developmental Biology Program, Charles University in Prague, Czech republic, Faculty of Science


  1. Susor, A., Jansova, D., Cerna, R., Danylevska, A., Anger, M., Toralova, T., Malik, R., Supolikova, J., Cook, M. S., Oh, J. S. and Kubelka, M. (2015). Temporal and spatial regulation of translation in the mammalian oocyte via the mTOR-eIF4F pathway. Nat Commun 6: 6078.
  2. Susor, A., Jansova, D., Anger, M. and Kubelka, M. (2015). Translation in the mammalian oocyte in space and time. Cell Tissue Res.