Dániel Varga
  • Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Neuroscience, University of Szeged, Hungary
  • Neuroscience


Biologist (M.Sc.) Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Neuroscience, Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged 2010.

Current position

Associate research fellow, Department of Medical Physics and Informatics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Hungary


  1. Varga, D., Heredi, J., Kanvasi, Z., Ruszka, M., Kis, Z., Ono, E., Iwamori, N., Iwamori, T., Takakuwa, H., Vecsei, L., Toldi, J. and Gellert, L. (2015). Systemic L-Kynurenine sulfate administration disrupts object recognition memory, alters open field behavior and decreases c-Fos immunopositivity in C57Bl/6 mice. Front Behav Neurosci 9: 157.
  2. Gellert, L., Knapp, L., Nemeth, K., Heredi, J., Varga, D., Olah, G., Kocsis, K., Menyhart, A., Kis, Z., Farkas, T., Vecsei, L. and Toldi, J. (2013). Post-ischemic treatment with L-kynurenine sulfate exacerbates neuronal damage after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion. Neuroscience 247: 95-101.
  3. Gellert, L., Varga, D., Ruszka, M., Toldi, J., Farkas, T., Szatmari, I., Fulop, F., Vecsei, L. and Kis, Z. (2012). Behavioural studies with a newly developed neuroprotective KYNA-amide. J Neural Transm (Vienna) 119(2): 165-172.
  4. Nagy, K., Plangar, I., Tuka, B., Gellert, L., Varga, D., Demeter, I., Farkas, T., Kis, Z., Marosi, M., Zadori, D., Klivenyi, P., Fulop, F., Szatmari, I., Vecsei, L. and Toldi, J. (2011). Synthesis and biological effects of some kynurenic acid analogs. Bioorg Med Chem 19(24): 7590-7596.