Qin Lu
  • Department of Neurosurgery, First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, China
  • Neuroscience


M.S. in Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, 2014

Current position

Neurosurgeon, Department of Neurosurgery, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, College of Medical Sciences, Zhejiang University, China

Publications (since 2013)

  1. Lu, Q., Gao, L., Huang, L., Ruan, L., Yang, J., Huang, W., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Jin, K. and Zhuge, Q. (2014). Inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin improves neurobehavioral deficit and modulates immune response after intracerebral hemorrhage in rat. J Neuroinflammation 11: 44.
  2. Ding, S., Chen, B., Zheng, Y., Lu, Q., Liu, L. and Zhuge, Q. C. (2013). Association study of OPRM1 polymorphisms with Schizophrenia in Han Chinese population. BMC Psychiatry 13: 107.
  3. Gao, L., Lu, Q., Huang, L. J., Ruan, L. H., Yang, J. J., Huang, W. L., ZhuGe, W. S., Zhang, Y. L., Fu, B., Jin, K. L. and ZhuGe, Q. C. (2014). Transplanted neural stem cells modulate regulatory T, gammadelta T cells and corresponding cytokines after intracerebral hemorrhage in rats. Int J Mol Sci 15(3): 4431-4441.
  4. Ding, S., Huang, W., Ye, Y., Yang, J., Hu, J., Wang, X., Liu, L., Lu, Q. and Lin, Y. (2014). Elevated intracranial dopamine impairs the glutamatenitric oxidecyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway in cortical astrocytes in rats with minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Mol Med Rep 10(3): 1215-1224.