0 Q&A
Dec 5, 2019
Hearing loss is a common sensory deficiency suffered by millions worldwide. It is a heterogeneous condition and genetics plays a critical role in its etiology. Gene variants can fundamentally alter hearing function, or predispose the auditory system towards loss of function resulting from other factors. In mouse studies of hearing loss and gene function, an evoked potential electrophysiological recording, the auditory brainstem response (ABR), is now considered the optimal way to screen large numbers of individuals, either with normal hearing sensitivity or with hearing impairment. Other routinely used methods to assess hearing function (such as acoustic startle responses, or otoacoustic emissions) do not allow assessment of the same broad spectrum of dysfunction nor readily allow the threshold sensitivity of the neural output of the cochlea to be assessed and are less ideal. An optimized recording system to rapidly and reproducibly record high-quality ABRs from mutant mice as part of a high-throughput phenotyping pipeline was developed. Click-evoked ABRs and ABRs evoked by pure-tone frequencies over a range of sound levels from 0 dB to 95 dB, sound pressure levels (SPL) are recorded. This takes approximately 15-20 min per mouse (with 5 tone frequencies), allowing a large number of mutant mice to be screened. This method has been used to measure ABRs on a high-throughput mutant mouse phenotyping pipeline and in laboratory tests to follow-up the hearing loss phenotypes identified on that pipeline.